Back Again

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The rest of the holidays went by in a bit of a blur. Ginny did end up staying with the family for the rest of the break. She did go home on New Year's Day but that only resulted in another argument between her and Ron, so she packed her things and went to the Zabini Manor. 

Her family had now become frequent visitors to the Manor. Molly had become fast friends with Adelia and Narcissa, who took her shopping and out to tea and dinners every other evening. They even took Molly to a spa where she was completely pampered for the day. Andromeda and Teddy were also becoming frequent visitors which means Hermione and Harry got to spend some quality time with their godson and Draco got to know his cousin and aunt. 

All in all it was a prefect break for the group. Granted they could have done without Ron's little outburst but that only seemed to drive them more into research, trying to find a way to stop him. 

Hermione did find a protection spell that she wanted to try. It wasn't going to be able to stop him, but it would help reduce the effects of the 'influence' Abaddon had on Ron, which she hoped in turn would have an effect on his behaviour. Mellow him out a little as George put it. 

So now, they were back on the train to Hogwarts. Their last Christmas break as students. The next time they would be on this train would be as graduates. It played on Hermione's mind as they had bid goodbye to Adelia and Narcissa and promised to write. 

This would be Hermione's last time standing on the platform waiting for the arrival of the train. If she was ever here again it would probably be with her own kids. She watched as younger kids jumped on the train excited to be heading back to school, knowing they had more years here. It was bittersweet to Hermione. 

But she had to remember that she was also extremely lucky. She was already supposed to be a graduate - last year being her final year. But she, Ron and Harry had went on the run instead, trying to stop Voldemort. She knew what she was giving up - the most important thing to her - her education but she knew she needed to do it. The boys needed her and she needed them. 

She was fantasising about being back in fourth year, or even third year and how her life would be different if she had fallen in love with Draco sooner. She would have fought tooth and nail to keep him from Voldemort's clutches. Maybe he would have joined the Order and fought alongside her in the war. 

Maybe instead of announcing their courtship on New Years Eve, they would have been announcing their engagement. 

"Penny for your thoughts?" She heard someone say as they plopped down next to her on the train. She knew that Draco and the boys had gone to get sweets from the trolley and Luna and Ginny were with Neville. Pansy was asleep. So who could it be?

"Ezra!" Hermione smiled as she looked up and met him eyes. "It's so good to see you. We missed you at the ball."

"Yeah...sorry about that. I was planning on going. I even had my suit all set out and everything. but my date bailed on me last minute."

"Aw I am sorry to hear that."

"Yeah well, their loss really. I was just really excited to finally introduce you to them as my partner."

"As your partner? Why do I already know them?" Hermione questioned as a lock of her hair fell in front of her face. 

Ezra smirked and lifted his hand brushing it back behind her ear. "You could say -"

The door to the compartment opened and the boys stepped inside. Draco looking like he could spit fire. 

"Alright lads," Ezra smiled pulling his hand back. "How are you all keeping?"

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