Packing and Primping

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Blaise, Harry and Draco had spent the day packing boxes and bring them across to the new Zabini/Malfoy Manor with the help of Theordore Nott who had been roped into helping when he stopped by to deliver an dinner invite for Adelia and Narcissa.

Adelia had a contracting wizard stop by who had added another two floors to the house. One on the ground floor, which now housed a ballroom and an indoor pool and a home gym. The second was just above hers. This was going to house her new room and Narcissa's meaning Draco had a room of his own on a floor with his friends.

And so Draco and the boys redecorated what was now his room, directly opposite Hermione's. It was roughly the same size as the others only Draco did not use his house colours like the other two. Instead, it was a dark room.

Dark grey wooden floor with dark grey wooden shutters as opposed to curtains. He had a massive bed with black sheets and a huge black headboard like Hermione's that took up most of the wall. He had a black leather couch in front of a large black piano and two huge bookcases and a large dark grey desk and black chair sat against the window.

Like the others, he had his own bathroom and walk-in wardrobe. At Malfoy Manor, his room had been green not by choice but as it was decorated by his father when Draco was in his first year at Hogwarts. This room felt more grown up. More Draco's style.

The Malfoy Manor had been cleared of all furniture and decorations very quickly with the help of house elves and a removal team.

Draco's mother did not hang about either. She already had a witch from the Ministry come to the house and document the Manor. By lunchtime, it was officially up for sale.

Hermione had not been seen since breakfast. Blaise had the idea of having Pansy over to have girltime with Hermione. It must have worked as the girls were now both locked up in Hermione's room and there was a serious amount of giggling coming through the walls.

They didn't even come down for lunch, instead, they had lunch brought up to them. Draco near had a heart attack when two very big and burly men appeared at the Manor asking for Hermione Zabini. He didn't know what to think. But his mother greeted the men like they were old friends and took them up to Hermione's room. It was only at Blaise's protesting, that he learnt the men were in fact a married couple. Guy stylists the girls had called.

Thank fuck for that!

Right now, so long as Hermione was happy and having a good time, Draco was happy. She deserved some girl time and as much as he wanted to see her, he fought against his urges and left her in peace.

He was kept busy all day. After sorting out his own room. He, Blaise, Theo and Harry were tasked with speaking to the contractor about how the pool and gym should look.

Being guys of course, the gym was stocked with state of the art equipment and a few water tanks scattered around as well as padded flooring and walls. Any gym bunny's dream room.

The pool was a little harder to get right. Harry wanted a slide, Blaise wanted a diving board and Theo suggested maybe a hot tub and sauna be added as well.

In the end, all three lads got what they wanted. The whole room became a pool area, with chairs and tables at the shallow end sitting in the water along with a bar. Then there was the slide Harry wanted which seemed to wrap around the room and at the bottom was a waterfall. At the opposite end of the room was a sauna and a snow room and two different level diving boards at one side. A hot tub sat at the opposite side, one that sat half in the pool room and half out.

There was a part of the pool where swimmer could dive under and enter a small lit-up tunnel entering the outdoor pool in the garden beside the BBQ hut and fire pit.

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