I am Sorry

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After dinner that evening, Hermione could not sit still. After Draco and Narcissa left, she excused herself to get an early night. That was not the real reason though. She went straight to her bedroom and began to pace. 

Her mind was racing. She almost kissed Draco Malfoy and what was worse...she was devastated that she didn't get to.

"I need to talk to Ron." She said as she paced the room. "I need to end it. I need to break up with him. I cannot do this anymore. I do not love him. I do not want to be with him and -"

"Well, it is about damn time!" A voice said from her doorway. Her head whipped around and she saw Harry standing in the room smirking. 

"What?" She asked shocked. 

"Mione, I love you. I do. And I know that you are not happy. Not with Ron. He is my best mate and I would do just about anything for him but he is not right for you. He does not care about you, Hermione. He treats you like you are nothing and Mione you are everything."

Hermione blushed. 

"And here I was thinking that Draco was the only one who could make you do that," Harry smirked again, his arms folded. 

"Come again?" 

"I have been watching you these last few days. We have been here 5 days now and every second he has been here he has been watching you and you have been stealing glances at him. It is obvious that you both like each other."

"But, Harry I feel so guilty. What about Ron?"

"You do not love Ron. I know it and you know it. Now Ron just needs to know it."

"You are right Harry," Hermione said as she hugged her new brother. 

"I know I am. Now I think we need to go and see the Weasleys don't you? You need to break up with Ron and I need to see Ginny."

Hermione nodded and grabbed her cardigan. She took Harry's hand and turned on the spot Apparating to the Burrow and landing on the Weasley's frontdoorstepp. 

"You got this!" Harry said as he knocked on the door and stepped inside. 

Mr & Mrs Weasley were in the living room with Ginny, George and Percy. When Harry and Hermione walked into the room, Mrs Weasley, looked up confused. "Hermione?" 

"Hi everyone," Hermione responded. 

Now they all looked confused. Ginny was the first on her feet. "If you are here, who is Ron upstairs with?" 

The otherWeasleyss and Harry turned and Hermione wasn't sure who grabbed her hand but they headed upstairs and to Ron's room.Bizarre noises were comingg from the room ahead of them.

"Alohomora," Ginny whispered and the door unlocked itself and opened widely. 

There laying on the bed was Ron and a girl Hermione knew quite well. Padma Patil. Ron looked up at the commotion at the door and threw the blanket around his naked form, exposing Padma as he did. 

"Ronald Weasley! How could you?" His mother shouted. "What about Hermione?"

"Hermione?" Padma gasped. "You told me you two broke up? You told me that she was ok with us dating. You said your family knew about us!"

"Well...I...It's that...Hermione," Ron stood off the bed and tried to approach his girlfriend. 

Hermione however did not look upset. She wasn't sure what this feeling was. Relief maybe? She looked past Ron to Padma who was completely naked and trying her hardest to use her hands to cover herself. 

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