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"Your father offered me to him. Said it was an honour, and I should be thrilled he took such a personal interest in me and no one else. But I was sickened by it. I was being used for my body alone. I purposely took a muggle contraceptive to stop myself from getting pregnant with his seed. I didn't want his child. If he...he had found out what I was doing, he would have had me killed. I managed to keep it up for a few years without him finding out what I was up to."

Harry was rubbing Hermione's back in comfort, and Blaise was doing the same to Adelia. Kingsley was shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

"It was a very dark and lonely time for me. But when he became obsessed with Prophecy and finding you, Harry, he didn't have time for me anymore. His frequent visit to my chambers became a weekly thing, then a fortnightly thing, and then it was once a month, maybe more if I was lucky. Then Abraham began to become jealous. Other Death Eaters began to talk about wanting me. If I was good enough for The Dark Lord, I was good enough for them. Your father became scared that I would be taken away from him. That was when we came up with the plan to have a baby. I allowed myself to get pregnant by my husband."

She took a sip of tea before continuing.

"I thought that He Who Must Not Be Named would grow tired of me. I couldn't have his heir while I was already pregnant. He would move on, and we would be safe as a family. But then he became obsessed with my pregnancy. At first, I thought it was as if he wanted more soldiers for his army. But he said he knew from the beginning that I was having twins, and one of them was a girl. He said he couldn't wait to see what you looked like, Hermione. He said that you would have my beauty and Abraham's obedience. Two things he cherished in a mistress. He began talking about you as his future wife. You could carry his children and offer yourself to him whenever and wherever he desired. I couldn't let what happened to me happen to you. I couldn't."

Hermione shuddered at the thought that this was what her life could have been.

"So I went to my parents. I begged my father to help me, and he sought the help of his oldest friend. Albus Dumbledore. Albus said that no matter where I went with you, he would find you. He said the only real hope I would have would be to give you up. Make it seem like I lost you both in childbirth. I would return to Abraham to show him my memories, and I would then show them to the Dark Lord. Albus trained me to close my real memories off and only show what I needed to. So I did. I sought good families for you both. Separated so there was more of a chance to keep you hidden. The only ones who knew were my brothers, my sister, and my parents. Both men believed the fake memories and were satisfied that I was telling them the truth. Not long after, I went into hiding in Ireland. Far away so nether could find me."

She turned to Blaise. "I have no idea how your father found out about you. I really don't, Blaise. I am so sorry that he brought you back. I am so sorry that I could not protect you."

"Hey," he smiled, wrapping his arms around her. "I was fine. I grew up spoilt by my grandparents. I had everything I could ever want. My father was in Azkaban, and my grandmother would not let me visit him. She said it was too awful a place. I wouldn't say it was a happy childhood. They were strict and didn't believe in playtime. But I was safe and fed. I got to stay with Draco Malfoy and his family quite a bit."

"Narcissa was always a good friend to me." Adelia smiled.

"She always bought me toys and helped me buy my school things every year. She convinced my grandfather to let me go to Hogwarts. He wanted to send me to Drumstrang as it is for Purebloods only, but she brought him around. And it was Aunt Sarah who told Father where I was."

"Sarah? Adam's wife?" Adelia gasped.

"Yes. Your brother's wife was a devoted follower of The Dark Lord. She ahem... wanted to take your place when you left. But he wasn't interested in her, and no matter how many times she tried to seduce him, he wasn't having it. Apparently, she was pissed at you. So she found out from Adam that Hermione and I were in hiding, and she told the Dark Lord. Sarah was the one who stayed with me and my father until I was three."

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