Prefect Duties

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The following morning, as promised, as soon as breakfast was finished and everyone headed off either back to bed or to hang out with friends, the prefects waited behind to discuss their new roles and receive instructions from the Heads.

As expected there were two more straglers who hadn't left he hall yet.

Astoria and Ron.

And Draco was fed up. He didn't even take Astoria away in private. He simply turned and gave her a hard look. "What do you want Astoria?"

She looked a little taken back but quickly recovered.

"I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out after your meeting here. Maybe we could talk?"

"We've finished. I don't really think there is anything left to discuss."

"But I thought we -"

He was losing his temper now. "There is no we. I am sorry but I don't want to be with you. I never actually wanted to be with you."

"But I'm your -"

"Weren't you the girl I caught yesterday on the train?" The Ravenclaw boy piped up.

"No!" She snapped defensively and gave him a knowing look.

"You were! Good thing I wasn't a prefect then. Is this your girlfriend Draco?"

"Was. Unfortunately."

"You are better off. I caught a compromising position with Daryl Montey."


"I have perfect vision, thank you, I know what I saw. He said he had been seeing her for over a year. He wanted her to meet his family."

"You're lying." She grabbed Draco's hand and turned his attention to her. "Drakie baby, he just wants to split us up. He fancies me obviously."

"Don't bet on it my dear!" Ezra laughed.

"Astoria, I don't even know this lad and I trust him more than you. Honestly I don't care."

"You don't?" She asked confused.

"Nope. Go be with Daryl. Like I said we are through. Now bugger off before I give you a detention for wasting time."

Hermione, obviously heard all this but she was standing very close to Harry at that moment in time. She slipped her arm through his as Astoia was giving off.

She wasn't going to give Astoria the chance to accuse her of anything.

"Is there someone else?" Astoria snapped.

"Nope," Draco answered. It wasn't entirely a lie. "I'd rather be single than with you. Now, off you pop."

He turned back to the group to finalise the end of the conversation. Hermione felt a little, down hearted when he claimed there was no one else. Not that she expected him to admit it but he was very quick to answer and didn't even look up as he lied. Maybe because it wasn't a lie? Maybe he did consider himself to be single and she was nothing more than a kiss.

Astoria went to open her mouth but Pansy stepped in front of her. "My friend Draco...not Drakie he isn't 5 years old...has told you it's over. I think you should pick up whatever is left of your dignity and move on. Before I tell Daryl all about this little conversation and McGonagall what you have under those robes."

"How did you -"

"We can smell it," Hermione added getting the faintest whiff of a potion. A love potion. One of Weasley Wizarding Wheezes concoctions.

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