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Draco dropped his hold on her elbow but instead moved his fingers down and took hold of her hand.

He took a deep breath. "Hermione, I would like to apologise to you for my treatment of you. I was cruel and to be frank a complete ass!
I never truly meant what I was saying. But I had to at least act as I hated you. Being part of the Sacred 28 there were always eyes on you and if anyone thought that I like you in any way, it could have been used against us. For Harry's and your sake, it was easier to pretend that I hated you. I think after a while I even believed it myself. Until...."

He stopped himself. Hermione's heart was quickening. Stop it you idiot you have a boyfriend! And this is Draco bloody Malfoy!

"So you never hated me?" She found herself asking.

He shook his head. "Not at all. But mother said it would be safer for you if we acted as we did. I said some awful things to you when Crabbe and Goyle were around but it was all for show. That does not excuse it though and I am truly sorry for the pain I caused you."

He looked pained and upset. Hermione smiled. She had always thought that Draco had a fate worse than death. He was forced to become something he never wanted. Hermione realised that when Harry found him crying in the bathroom during 6th year.

I mean, Harry bloody cursed him and tried to kill him but so that in itself was punishment but this boy before Hermione had really suffered. In ways, Harry and Draco were very similar.

The Boy Who Lived and The Boy Who Had No Choice.

Hermione smiled. "Draco I forgave you a very long time ago. Two years ago really. I -"

"You did?" He gasped his eyes growing wide.

"In 6th year. I actually went to see you in the hospital wing after you were cursed by Harry. You looked awful and were having a nightmare. It opened your wounds so I healed them."

"That was you?" He asked shocked.

Hermione nodded and blushed.

"I knew somewhere was there. I could feel you holding my hand as you healed me." Hermione blushed deepened.

Draco smiled at her total innocence and humbleness of her. She really was a genuinely lovely woman. "Thank you," he whispered.

"Of course! And I know that it was you who helped me in second year. You were the one who told me about the basilisk. You slipped me that piece of paper."

Now it was Draco's turn to blush. "It was only a hunch. I had heard my father talking about it and the chamber. I put two and two together."

"Well, you saved me. Thank you."

"My absolute pleasure Hermione." He smiled. A genuine, gorgeous smile and Hermione couldn't help but smile back. Draco noticed that she smiled with her whole face! It lit up and her eyes sparkled. It was mesmerising. He hadn't realised he had taken a step forward towards her. She mirrored his actions so they were standing just a step away from each other. 

Draco could smell her Jasmine scent, from her perfume he presumed and made a note to find something similar for his room. It smelt divine. Hermione could smell his was mouth-watering. Jasmine and mango. Did every male wizard wear this scent? If so she wasn't complaining at all! 

"We better get inside," he said looking into her eyes. 

"Oh...em...yes. We better, before Harry comes looking for me." Hermione smiled. 

"Too late," she heard from behind her and turned to see Harry leaning against the doorway smirking at her. It reminded her of George Weasley when he caught Hermione and Fred that summer after 4th year in the garden flirting. 

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