Peep Show

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Luna and Draco were seated at the entrance to the Cursed corridor. Draco had put Luna over what had happened again.

"Draco, I told you. I was walking along the corridor. One of the girls in my Care For Magical Creatures class had stolen my notebook and said they were going to throw it down the Cursed Corridor. So I came up here to see if they had. I got to right here," she said at the top of the stairs. "I looked up and there was this black mass -"

"Black mass?"

"Black thing, hovering in the corner. There," she said, pointing. 

Draco delved into his bag and took out a piece of parchment and a pen - one of those muggle contraptions that Hermione showed him that was actually pretty genius. He scribbled on the paper. "Luna, did it look like this by any chance?"

"That is it! That is what it looked like! Exactly like that! How did you know?" 

"Luna, Hermione and I have been doing stake outs at the doorway for weeks. Every evening we would sit right here," he pointed to the window ledge, "and we would watch and wait. We used the Maurader's Map to help us, and we would see this type of squiggle of the map and hear -"

"Whispers?" Luna finished for him, to which he nodded. "That is what I heard. My whole body froze. Like I couldn't move. The squiggle, kind of surrounded me and there was nothing I could do. Then Ron came past and -"

"Weasley was here?" Draco asked. 

"Yeah, and he practically growled at me. Told me to get out of here if I knew what was good for me."

"And did he leave? Weasley I mean."

"Em, no...he just stood and watched me leave. It was a little strange, but at least he didn't insult me or be rude to me, so I am taking the win." She shrugged.

Draco didn't want to tell her, but he thought she had a very lucky escape. He didn't think Weasley could be trusted. Draco wasn't sure what was going on with the ginger idiot, but he could sense dark magic around him. He just didn't know how strong it was or how to find out.

"I am glad you are safe Luna."

"Draco can I ask you somethhing?"

"Uh - sure."

"What is going on with you and Hermione? You looked a little annoyed earlier when we arrived for lunch and just now you didn't want her to come with us." She looked over at him as if she was trying to read his mind.

"I was getting annoyed that she was spending so much time with your friend Ezra. I suppose I was jealous. Then I overheard them talking and she agreed with him that it would be easy to date a muggleborn as they knew all the same things that she did." He took a deep breath. "It upset me. That she thinks being with someone else would be easier. I mean, if she feels like that then maybe we shoudln't be together. Maybe she should be with Ezra...he likes her anyway."

Draco had no idea to what expect from the blonde currently standing beside him but the last thing he expected was for her to burst out laughing. "Draco," she gasped between laughs. "Trust me. Ezra is a lovely guy and treats every girl like they are a princess but he is not interested in Hermione like that."

"He's not? How do you know?"

"I know who he likes. I cannot say who it is as I will not break his trust like that, but I can swear to you that it is not Hermione. You have nothing to worry about. They are friends...nothing more."

Draco knew it wasn't in Luna to lie so if she was sure then it must be true and Draco now felt like and ass! Maybe he needed to get back to the dorm and talk to Hermione...and apologise. He sat down again and put the map out on the floor the way he always did, watching for movement. Considering it was currently about 3pm he doubted that he would see anything interesting so he would be back with his girlfriend in a few minutes. 

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