Christmas Eve

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Pansy had gone home the morning of Christmas Eve to spend time with her father, taking Harry with her, so he could have his formal talk with Mr Parkinson, about courting his daughter. 

Hermione, for her part, had made sure to send Pansy home with presents for her and her father, as well as gifts from Draco, Blaise, and Adelia and Narcissa. Pansy promised to come the day of the ball to help Hermione get ready. And to calm her down when needed. 

Hermione soon realised that the wizarding community had no traditions when it came to Christmas Eve. Something she was going to be changing this year. 

To start with, before the couple left, Hermione got everyone up at the crack of dawn. She had spent the past week, making Christmas Eve boxes for everyone to open. Inside were Christmas jumpers or dresses for everyone to wear along with a little list of all the activities that the family would be completing before nightfall. 

The first was pancakes. Something Hermione ate every Christmas Eve, complete with fresh cream and strawberries which Hermione cut up to make everyone's breakfast look like Santa. Hermione being allergic to strawberries, had cut up purple grapes for herself instead. Thank god for magic as Hermuone didnt actually have to touchbm the fruit that was deadly to her. She was beyond shocked to learn that the Purebloods had no clue who Santa was and so after breakfast she and Harry explained who Santa was, how he delivered gifts to kids, spread Christmas cheer to everyone and the whole elves and toymaker process. 

After breakfast, she made everyone get ready, the boys donning their jumpers. Hermione and Pansy putting on jumpers too over their skirts and boots and the mothers wearing Christmas dresses. She even had a dress and a jumper for Poppy and Elmer.

The first thing Hermione did, was make them all gather at the bottom of the stairs and took a picture of her family, elves and all. 

Then Pansy and Harry took off, Harry promising to be back before lunch to head with them to what Hermione considered the most important part of the day. After they left, Hermione took Adelia and Narcissa, her boyfriend and her brother, into muggle London, where they headed to London market and listened to muggle carol singers. 

She took her camera and captured every special moment she could think of. It had begun to snow as they strolled through Hyde Park, feeding the squirrels with roasted nuts they had purchased on the way. Narcissa and Adelia giggled like school girls as they walked through the park in the snow, warming charms keeping the group toasty in the cold temperatures. Hermione made them all try mulled wine, another Christmas tradition which everyone seemed to really like. The minced pies—not so much. 

She then brought them to another special shop that she went to every Christmas with her adoptive parents. Usually they went to a department store like Hamley's but this time she took them to Diagon Alley. She asked each of them to choose a decoration for the Christmas tree, explaining that her tree at home, used to be filled with homemade decorations that in hindsight looked awful, but they always bought a decoration every year to add to the tree. 

Blaise selected a little wand that glowed, which resembled his old wand, which was destroyed in the war. Narcissa bought a little ornament of Hogwarts castle, the school was where she met her husband. Adelia picked a little glittering nightingale, fitting as it was her maiden name. Draco decided on a little broomstick. Hermione selected two. She got a golden snitch for Harry, and for herself, she bought a little mushroom, which everyone thought was strange. 

"My adoptive grandfather was a mushroom farmer. He grew mushrooms for a living and sold them to local markets and hotels. I used to help him pick and sell them at times. He was one of my favourite people growing up. Always read to me and bought me extra special books. When I found out I was a witch, he took me to Diagon Alley for the first time. His friend was a wizard growing up, so he knew a little about this world and told me everything he knew. He was my best friend. So mushrooms remind me of him and are special to me."

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