Graduation Part II

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"I know that these last few years have been a little crazy for us all, but if not for a particular set of students, I daresay we would not be here today to celebrate. So for that, I would like to ask Mr Harry Potter and Miss Hermione Granger-Zabini to the stage again please."

Hermione gave a little gasp, not knowing what was going on. She looked to Harry, who looked just as shocked but stood up. He held his hand out to Hermione, who took it and looked at Draco.

"You deserve this," he smiled and winked.

Hermione and Harry walked up the steps and towards the headmistress, both looking clueless.

"We all know how much these pair sacrificed and what they had to endure to make our community a safe place once again. No measure of thanks will ever seem enough. Every single year during their education, there was some form of evil that needed to be dealt it. They never needed to be asked to protect the school, students, and community. They did so willingly. Sacrificing their lives countless times and having to face more than most of us will have to in this lifetime and the next. Now I know that the Ministry has already given them an award for their services, but the school felt it only right to give them special recognition for everything they did."

Hermione was blushing and gave Harry's hand a squeeze.

"So for each of them, we have a golden wand award. This is an award that very few even get to see as it is rare. It is saved for those who have done extraordinary things for the wizarding community. The Ministry and we at Hogwarts think that Harry and Hermione are more than deserving. For services not only to the school but the whole community."

Everyone clapped as two awards were levitated to the Headmistress. Marble bases with Harry and Hermione's names and hovering just above was a solid gold wand replicated after the Elder Wand.

Hermione took hers and held on tight. She was overwhelmed and a little teary-eyed as she looked at Draco, who was cheering harder than anyone.

"We have also decided to make two school changes in their honour. For Mr Potter, we have named the Quidditch pitch the Harry Potter pitch and have added his coat of arms to each house's robes. Now, the kids will compete every year to win the Harry Potter House Cup."

Harry couldn't believe his ears. It was a lovely sentiment. He knew that if his own children were ever made their house teams that they would see his name over the pitch and on the uniforms. It was quite amazing.

"For Miss Hermione Granger, we saw it only fitting to name her favourite place after her. And so we now have Hermione Granger- Zabini Library for our students."

Hermione gasped again. Her favourite place in school is named after her. So when her kids went to the library, they would see her name and know what she did. What she sacrificed for their future.

Draco was beyond proud of his girlfriend at that moment. The Golden wand was an award very few received, and yet he knew that Hermione would be more impressed by having the library named after her.

"We can not forget about Mr Ronald Weasley either and have therefore decided to name the Boat House after the young man who wmshowed more loyalty last year that most men show in their lifetime. He can not be here today, but we honour him nonetheless."

She made her way back to her seat, beaming. "Well done, my love," he smiled as he kissed her cheek.

"The library Draco...the whole library!" He couldn't help but laugh.

"It's quite amazing!"

"Our kids will see my name! Oh, I can't believe it!"

"Yes, they will be just as proud as I am by it. No one deserves it more, baby."

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