Catching up

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Harry was feeling very faint. When he arrived at the room and noticed Hermiones' empty bed and a missing Draco, he assumed the worst.

He had only been gone about 40 minutes.

But then, hearing Hermione's usual scolding tone, his heart began to race even faster.

"Hermione?" He whispered. His face paled.

Hermione peaked her head around the back of the chair. "Did you miss me?"

Harry didn't know where he threw the sandwich, but he lunged forward and had Hermione in his arms a second later.

"I was so worried about you." He said into her hair.

"I wasn't ready to leave you just yet," she smiled.

He set her back down, and Draco resumed his task of feeding her. Harry watched the couple with a smile on his face.

"So you're OK?" He asked.

"I feel great. Like I've just woken up from a lovely nap."

Harry sighed. "That's great!"

He sat in silence watching as Hermione ate the whole bowl of soup, a bowl of jelly, half the ice cream, and some of the inside of the crusty bread.

Now she was stuffed, but her colour was much better. She looked perfect.

A beep went off on the monitor, and an image appeared of Adelia, Blaise, and Narcissa.

"Visitors are here," the Aid said.

Hermione beamed and stood up, turning to the door as it opened.

Blaise was in first. "Hey Draco, hey Harry, hey Hermion-HOLY FUCK HERMIONE!" He rushed to his twin and picked her up much like Harry did and squeezed her tight.

She hugged him back. "Hey Blaise. It's good to see you again. I've missed you!"

"You have no idea idea." He cried. He turned to his mother. "'s 'Mione...she's awake."

Adelia was sobbing but smiled. "I know. And you're hogging her. Put her down, so I can have a cuddle."

Blaise did as he was told. Hermione had no idea where her strength came from, but she ran to her mother.

"Hello, mum," she cried.

"My little Hermione. I am so delighted you're awake. I was so worried about you, my darling." She cried.

She held Hermione at arm's length. Her face was smiling but turned to a scowl. "Don't you ever do that to us again! Jumping in front of me. What were you thinking?"

"I wanted to keep you safe. You are my mother." Hermione shrugged.

"Darling, I would have been broken if something had happened to you. You nearly put poor Draco in a bed next to you."

Draco blushed as he hung onto his mother, who hugged him, smiling at Hermione.

"I wasn't that bad," Draco rolled his eyes.

"You were," Adelia said. "You had your mother very worried. It was like a piece of you was missing. You were a shell of yourself, sweetie."

"A part of me wasn't missing. She just hadn't woken up." He blushed as he pulled Hermione back into his arms.

Blaise put his arm around them both causing Hermione to chuckle and Draco to roll his eyes. But Harry copied Blaise's actions, and Adelia and Narcissa followed.

"Our family is together again," Narcissa smiled, kissing Hermione's cheek and causing everyone to chuckle.

"Is this a private cuddle, or can we all have a go?" Another voice said from the doorway.

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