Picking Prefects

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Hermione and Draco both froze, half risen from their seats. Everyone turned to see Ron, who was standing up, his fists clenched and his face a bright shade of red that matched his hair. 

"Problem Mr Weasley?"

"Problem? Oh, I don't know...how about the fact that you have just made a bloody DEATH EATER Head Boy? Have you completely lost it? I think you took one too many hexes during the battle, Professor and I would be willing to bet that Malfoy or Zabini did it!"

Hermione stood up fully. She looked both shocked and outraged that he would speak to a teacher, the Headmistress no less, like that. Draco was standing now, looking down at his feet. Ginny was pinching the bridge of her nose. Actually, what she was thinking was that if she reached out now, she could easily punch Ron in the groin!

"Well Mr Weasley, while I appreciate your concern for my health after the war, I assure you that not only am I perfectly fine, but that everyone voted fairly, and the votes were counted. Mr Malfoy won fairly and there will no further discussion on this." She turned to Draco.

"Join me, Mr Malfoy, please. And Miss Granger-Zabini of course," she smiled, turning her back on the red head.

"But he -". Whatever he was, they never got to find out. Professor McGonagall, without even turning around again, gave a wave of her hand and Ron was forced onto the bench again and his index finger was shoved to his lips, holding it there in a 'shush' look. His lips were also forced closed, so he could not speak. 

"Much better," McGonagall smiled as Draco and Hermione approached the bottom of the steps in front of the podium and teacher's table. "Mr Weasley, I shall speak with you when everyone else has turned in for the evening." She looked down at the couple in front of her. "Now, come up this way, please and face your schoolmates."

Draco put his hand on the small of Hermione's back and held out his other arm to her to help her up the steps, making her blush again but smile at him. They then turned to face everyone in the hall. 

Hermione could see her friends from all houses beam up at her as she stood there. Blaise and Harry especially looked proud to see their sister being rewarded like this. Only Ron looked unimpressed. Well, Ron and a few Slytherin girls, who noticed Draco's gentlemanly manner. 

The Headmistress proceeded to walk in front of each of them, pinning their badges to their robes. "No one deserves this more than the both of you. If it had been my choice, you are the ones that would have been top of my list." She beamed at them.

"Professor, while I am honoured by this, maybe Weasley is -"

"Absolutely wrong, Mr Malfoy. You may have made mistakes, but that shows that you are human, and you show empathy, and the fact that you have spent months making amends proves even more that you deserve this. I think your history makes you a great role model for these kids. I know this is where you were meant to be. You will both work well together. I have faith in you."

She turned to face the school again and Draco looked at Hermione who smiled at him, giving a small nod and then winked for added effect which seemed to work as Draco winked back and beamed. 

The fact that the students voted for him, meant the world to Draco. He was very sceptical of coming back to school this year. Actually, if it hadn't been compulsory, he wouldn't have. He didn't think he would be very welcome by his peers. But not only was he welcome, he was also accepted, forgiven and more importantly, treated like one of their own. If Hermione and McGonagall thought he was good enough, then he was going to work his ass off to make everyone proud.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to present to you, your Head Girl and Head Boy." 

Harry was the first to react, standing off his seat, and clapping his hands. He was quickly followed by Blaise and then Pansy, Theo, Ginny and Luna. Then others joined in—Neville, Seamus, Dean before students Hermione didn't even know took their lead until everyone (except Ron whose butt was still stuck to the bench).

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