Here We Go Again

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The following morning was a mad dash to get ready. Blaise as usual had left everything to the last minute, meaning both Adelia and Narcissa were frantically running around trying to get his things sorted and threatening to hex him if he dared complain.

Pansy and Theo had arrived early this morning, so they could travel to King's Cross with everyone else. Pansy's father was accompanying them. Hermione had to admit that Mr Parkinson was not at all like Hermione thought he would be. For one, he had a Scottish accent and his voice was like caramel, soothing and very polite. He was very handsome with his slim build and tall stature. His facial hair gave him a rigidility which only enhanced his sexiness. (Think, Ewan McGregor)

Hermione had handed him a cup of tea as the two sat in the parlour waiting on the others. "I must say Miss Granger-Zabini, it is a real honour to meet you. The heroine from the war."

Hermione blushed. "I am not much of a hero, sir. I am just Hermione."

"Well just Hermione, I have heard several times that Harry believes he would not have survived 1st year if not for you, never mind any other time. You were, from what I hear, the brains behind the operation."

Hermione just smiled at him. 

"And you're humble. Another excellent quality to have. Tell me what are your plans for after you graduate? Have you given any thought to your future?"

"I have quite a few options, but as yet, I am undecided. I do love the idea of carrying on the Nightingale name, maybe with an Apothecary shop. I could have a little shop in Diagon Alley to sell some of the potions I have read about in the Nightingale family journals."

"That is a very good idea, Hermione. At present, there is a real gap in the market for an independent store such as an Apothecary. And from what I hear, you are a dab hand at potion making. I believe it is in your blood, but I daresay you could put your hand to just about anything and become an instant success."

Now Hermione was blushing...furiously. "Thank you very much Mr Parkinson. That is lovely to hear."

"My daughter has also expressed interest in having a shop in Diagon Alley. Pansy wants to be a fashion or interior designer. It changes almost daily," he leaned in and whispered. "I struggle to keep up to her sometimes. But she is passionate and I am beyond proud of her. She had turned into such a remarkable woman. Not afraid to admit her mistakes and apologise for her wrong doings. I only hope your school friends will accept for who she is. That was why I as so delighted to hear about her becoming friends with you. I do believe you have been a good influence on my Pans."

"Honestly, sir, it is I who should be thanking her. She selflessly put her own life dramas aside and was there for me recently when that I felt so alone. In such a short space of time, had has grown to mean the world to me. I would be lost without her."

Mr Parkinson beamed proudly as his daughter came into the room in search of Blaise's wand that he managed to misplace. "Everything OK in here?" She asked, a little sceptical. 

"Perfect!" Her father answered. 

"I was just telling your father how fond I am of you and how much you have done for me in the small-time we have known each other."

Pansy smiled at her friend. "You are too sweet Hermione. I was happy to help."

"Yeah, yeah. She is happy, you are happy, we are all happy. One big, beautiful, happy family," Blaise groaned as he entered the room. "Now please be happy as you help me find my wand. We have to leave!"

"Honestly Blaise, it's like you sometimes forget that you are a wizard," Hermione rolled her yes. "Accio Bliase's wand!"

Draco entered the room, just as Blaise's wand came whooshing past his head, skimming his ear and into Hermione's open hand. "Mother of Merlin, warn a wizard before you do that, will you?" He rubbed his ear.

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