Sherlock BBC oc's

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Anistyn Brianna Holmes: female

Age: 31

Personality: observant, confident, brave, calculating, intelligent, distant, loyal, smart, open-minded, calculating, caring, determined, adventurous


Family: Mr

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Family: Mr. And Mrs. Holmes (parents), Mycroft (older brother), Sherlock (older brother), Eurus (older sister)

Likes: mysteries, games, reading, science, mathematics, mystery cases, fencing, her brothers, fight combat, pickpocketing people, music, playing piano, listening to Sherlock playing the violin, John and Sherlock together, exploring

Dislikes: being bored, Mycroft (sometimes), Moriarty, anyone who hurts her family, dead end cases, idiots, small minded people

Love interest: Harriet Watson

Skills: deduction, science, mathematics, fencing, hand to hand combat, weapon combat, pickpocket, improv weaponry, master of disguise, long term memory, lock picking, parkour, acting, martial arts

Extra: Ani is the fourth and youngest child of the Holmes family. Growing up, she was much like her siblings and was always ready to learn new things. When she graduated college at the age of 15, she studied criminal law and detective related work. When she was old enough, she left England and went to America to study and crack many cases away but always kept in touch with her family, especially with Sherlock most of all. During one of Sherlock's cases, she came back to London to visit her brother and it ended up with her living near her older brother, helping him out when she can. During John and Mary's wedding, she met Harriet who took an interest in Ani and they got close from there.


Harriet Jane Watson: female

Age: 36

Personality: nice, genuine, caring, loyal, sensitive, generous, protective, brave, smart, open-minded, devoted, spontaneous, rebellious


Family: John (brother), Mary (sister in law/dead), Rosamund (niece), Sherlock (brother figure)

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Family: John (brother), Mary (sister in law/dead), Rosamund (niece), Sherlock (brother figure)

Likes: partying, having fun, seeing her family, babysitting Rosamund, helping her family, seeing her brother, reading, tea, drinking (occasionally)

Dislikes: being told what to do, anyone hurting her family, listening to Ani play piano, watching her solve cases

Love interest: Anistyn Holmes

Extra: Harry knows she is not the best sister or daughter or the best girlfriend but she still tries with everything she has to be better for her family and Ani. When she first met Ani, she admired her mostly because of her brother Sherlock and what John wrote on his website about his adventures. When she officially met her at the wedding, she was entranced by her beauty and brains when she and Sherlock were solving a case, so she decided from then on that she would be worthy of Anistyn Holmes and get herself together. A few months later of constantly getting Ani's attention, she finally gave in and went on a date with Harry, after that they became closer and closer and Harry drank less after that. She even started babysitting her niece Rosie after that even though Ani wasn't particularly fond of children and had no idea what to do with them, Harry was always there and taught Ani a thing or two.

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