Spider-verse oc

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Tatiana Petrov: female

Age: 16

Height: 5'5

Weight: 130

Personality: quiet, distant, sarcastic, witty, blunt, intelligent, emo, caring, tough, fierce, independent, cunning, level-headed, strategic, generous, creative, confident, observant, protective, loyal, aggressive, introverted, logical, reserved, open-minded, passionate, patient, selfless


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Family: Dimitri (father), Estelle (mother/dead)

Status: Vigilante

Aliases: Spider-venom, Spider-girl, the dark spider

Skills/powers: spider sense, organic web-fluid generation, artificially enhanced physiology, crawling, superhuman senses, strength, leaping, speed, durability, agility, reflexes, and stamina, accelerated perception, parkour, martial arts, boxing, karate, jiu-jitsu, genius- level intellect, hand-to-hand combat, night vision, invisibility, accelerated healing factor, constituent-matter manipulation (make the venom goo into weapons)

Love interest: Damien Clemonte (deadpool)


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Items/jewelry: Chemistry set, poetry books, multiple earrings, snake ring, guitar pick leather necklace, picture of her and her mom, picture of her friends

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Items/jewelry: Chemistry set, poetry books, multiple earrings, snake ring, guitar pick leather necklace, picture of her and her mom, picture of her friends

Extra: Tatiana is the Spider-girl of London. She was bitten by a radioactive spider, which also had symbiote DNA that was made from the owner of Oscorp and political figure turned Tyrant, Norman Osborne. She lives on the poor side of London with her dad, who is the captain of the London police and one of the few clean cops in London, which cost him his job a lot of times. Tia's mom died shortly after she became Spider-girl, and she tried her absolute best to help others with her powers. She gets bullied a lot in school, but she always tries to be the bigger person, her dad, and her barely talk. Due to her scary venom side, she has been seen as a vigilante by most of the law of London but a hero to the civilians, and she's OK with that. She's also a chemistry genius and academically smart but not the best at socializing. She also sings in the bars of her home area, and she's the main guitarist and singer and is also in a band called the sirens

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