Young Sheldon oc

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Josephine "Josie" Cooper: female

Age: 15 (season 1) - 19 (season 6)


Personality: confident, creative, artistic, patient, outgoing, athletic, caring, kind, playful, protective, loyal, confident, stubborn, observant, brave, devoted, open-minded, passionate, strong-willed 

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Personality: confident, creative, artistic, patient, outgoing, athletic, caring, kind, playful, protective, loyal, confident, stubborn, observant, brave, devoted, open-minded, passionate, strong-willed 

Family: Mary (mom), George (dad), Georgie (brother), Sheldon (brother/ twin to Missy), Melissa "Missy" (sister/ twin to Sheldon), Connie "Meemaw" Tucker (grandmother)

Likes: reading, cheerleading, helping others, hanging out with Missy, music, dancing, line dancing, playing guitar, singing, hanging out with Meemaw, Sheldon tutoring her, playing pool with her dad and Meemaw, spending time with her boyfriend, gossip, tea, coffee, making her family happy, watching shows with her family

Dislikes: Sheldon's tantrums, mom's favoritism towards Sheldon, seeing Missy left out, alcohol, drugs, strict religion, her mother acting high and mighty and strict, her parents fighting, her siblings upset, her family fighting, pastor Jeff

Relationship: Theodore Prescott

Items/jewelry: silver cross necklace, guitar, guitar pick choker, Bible (gift from her mother), polaroid camera

Extra: Josie Cooper was the first born child of the Cooper household. Growing up, she was the perfect child who did everything right and got decent grades, but not as good as Sheldon's. She became a cheerleader at her high school and eventually cheerleading captain, along with a singer and waitress at the bar to earn some extra cash. She loves her siblings and always makes sure that each one has her undivided attention. Although she spends most of her time with Georgie and Missy rather than Sheldon, it was mostly for academic purposes. She also had to raise her siblings growing up since her parents were working 24/7 since they were poor, so she became more of a mother to them than their own mother. She loves Missy and is always there for her and teaching her things about being a woman, and she is always helping her see that she was just as special as Sheldon. She also has a boyfriend who doesn't have the best reputation, but he is perfect for her.


Theodore "Teddy/Theo" Prescott: male

Age: 16 (season 1) - 20 (season 6)


Personality: distant, short-tempered, serious, sarcastic, strong-willed, courageous, protective, loyal, caring, reliable, playful, observant, quiet, reserved, competitive, aggressive, passionate, selfless, independent

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Personality: distant, short-tempered, serious, sarcastic, strong-willed, courageous, protective, loyal, caring, reliable, playful, observant, quiet, reserved, competitive, aggressive, passionate, selfless, independent

Family: Jackson (dad)

Likes: sports, grilling, reading, being outside, the church (sometimes), making fun of pastor Jeff, spending time with Josie, Sheldon (occasionally), Missy, Georgie (sometimes), hanging with the Cooper's

Dislikes: making Josie upset, breaking promises, shouting, yelling, fighting, people getting too close (emotionally), Sheldon (occasionally), losing Josie, nightmares

Relationship: Josephine Cooper

Items/jewelry: military tags, cowboy hat, letterman jacket

Extra: Theodore and his dad moved to Texas from Arizona. Back then, his mom left him, and his dad and now his dad took his frustrations out on Theo, even after they moved. Theo joined the football team where he met George and his som Georgie, and despite not winning a lot, he still liked playing. Theo met Josie shortly after he moved since she was the only person other than her brother and dad who were genuinely nice to him. After that, he got close to them and eventually got closer to Josie to the point where they became an item despite Mary's disapproval, and he tried to prove that he was worthy of Mary's approval and Josie's affection.

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