The umbrella academy oc

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Vanessa Hargreeves (8): female
Age: 29
Family: Reginald (dad), (unnamed birth mother), Klaus (brother), Diego (brother), Luther (brother), Allison (sister), Vanya (sister), Ben (brother/dead), Grace (mother), five (brother), Emily (sister), Jack (brother), Pogo (caretaker), Clair (niece), Benjamin "Benny" (nephew/dead), Cade (nephew)
Likes: writing, Vanya, Grace, Diego, Klaus, Emily, Jack, Five (sometimes), sleep, reading, music, Pogo
Dislikes: her dad, Luther, Allison (occasionally), bullies, rules, work, mornings, the system, law, lies, injustice
Personality: rebellious, nice, crazy, lazy, sassy, fierce, honest, sarcastic, hard headed, stubborn, sneaky, confident, brave, tough
Power: precognition (sees parts of the Future)
Skills: hand to hand combat, weapon combat, martial arts, gymnastics
Hero name: prophet
Love interest: Diego

Vanessa Hargreeves (8): femaleAge: 29Family: Reginald (dad), (unnamed birth mother), Klaus (brother), Diego (brother), Luther (brother), Allison (sister), Vanya (sister), Ben (brother/dead), Grace (mother), five (brother), Emily (sister), Jack (br...

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Extra: she writes down her visions in her journals, and she can't visions so they just appear randomly, she also works at a bar and a writer.


(My oc's👇)

Emily Hargreeves (9): female
Age: 29
Family: Reginald (dad), (unknown mom), Grace (mom), Vanya (sister), Vanessa (sister), Jack (brother), Klaus (brother), Diego (brother), Ben (brother/deceased), Pogo (caretaker), Luther (brother), five (brother), Allison (sister), Claire (niece), Benny (son/dead), Cade (son), Sam (ex-husband)
Personality: caring, nice, stubborn, loyal, protective, brave, sarcastic, funny, playful, creative, strong, fast learner
Likes: music, dance, her son, grace, Vanya, Klaus, Jack, Diego (sometimes), five (occasionally), Vanessa, Pogo, cooking, training, visiting Cade, reading
Dislikes: Luther, Allison (occasionally), her ex, loosing her family, her father, lies, secrets, small minded people
Power: invisibility (whatever/whoever she touches turns invisible with her)
Skills: parkour, martial arts, hand combat, weapon combat, lock picking
Hero name: phantom
Love interest: Ben (formerly)

Emily Hargreeves (9): femaleAge: 29Family: Reginald (dad), (unknown mom), Grace (mom), Vanya (sister), Vanessa (sister), Jack (brother), Klaus (brother), Diego (brother), Ben (brother/deceased), Pogo (caretaker), Luther (brother), five (brother), ...

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(Before Benny died)

(After, she cut her hair)Extra: her first son Benjamin "Benny" died of cancer when he was young

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(After, she cut her hair)
Extra: her first son Benjamin "Benny" died of cancer when he was young. A funeral was held and half of her family was there accept for Luther, Allison, grace and Pogo. Emily became depressed and was in a dark place. Her second son Cade was either with her siblings or his father, while Emily was recovering. After Emily recovered, she continued to take care of her son and visit her siblings that she liked, from time to time. She also teaches a dance class of middle school students. Also Emily's ex husband is a terrible father, because Sam doesn't pay attention to him, care for him properly, or help him when needed. Sam only pays attention to his girlfriend.


Jackson "Jack" Hargreeves (10): Male
Age: 29
Family: Reginald (dad), (unnamed birth mother), Klaus (brother), Diego (brother), Luther (brother), Allison (sister), Vanya (sister), Ben (brother/dead), Grace (mother), five (brother), Emily (sister), Vanessa (sister), Pogo (caretaker), Clair (niece), Benjamin "Benny" (nephew/dead), Cade (nephew)
Personality: cold, rude, honest, sarcastic, playful, serious (sometimes), rebellious, nice, mischievous, generous, kind, protective, lone wolf, calm
Likes: the cold, winter, fall, his motorcycle, animals, art, music, food, sleep, being alone, darkness, his boyfriend, grace Pogo, some of his siblings
Dislikes: Luther, Allison (sometimes), five (occasionally), Reginald, idiots, bullies, homophobes, injustice, liars, secrets, his crazy ex girlfriend
Power: snow and ice
Skills: fencing, hacking, martial arts, hand combat, weapon combat
Hero name: Frost
Relationship: Aaron (boyfriend)

Jackson "Jack" Hargreeves (10): MaleAge: 29Family: Reginald (dad), (unnamed birth mother), Klaus (brother), Diego (brother), Luther (brother), Allison (sister), Vanya (sister), Ben (brother/dead), Grace (mother), five (brother), Emily (sister), Va...

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Extra: Jack's powers are connected with his emotions. So if he gets upset, angry, afraid or a little bit too happy, his powers can get out of control. So jack keeps his emotions in check and makes sure to stay blank and calm, his dad made sure of it. He also likes to do origami, art, and photography. Also his boyfriend Aaron makes sure his powers don't get out of control, and Aaron keeps him calm when Jack's at his worst.

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