The old guard oc

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(Otaku___sensei oc👇)

Lucius: male
Age: died in 79 AD (came back immortal)

Lover: Andy (wife)Weapons: Guns, swordExtra: died during the fall of pompeii but came back to life and was the only survivor

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Lover: Andy (wife)
Weapons: Guns, sword
Extra: died during the fall of pompeii but came back to life and was the only survivor. He was buried under the ashes from the eruption for centuries until Andy, Nicky, Joe, and Quinn found him. They went on many adventures together. And when they lost Quinn, he helped Andy the best he could to find her but no luck. After years together, he and Andy got married and spent their years together. Although, he could never win an argument with her.


(My oc's 👇)

Hiroshi Makoto: male
Age: 500s (died in the 1600s, came back as an immortal)

Weapons: two katanas, shurikens, pistol (rarely used)Clan: Tokugawa (formerly)Extra: died during the sekigahara battle in the year 1600, where he was stabbed to death by an enemy samurai

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Weapons: two katanas, shurikens, pistol (rarely used)
Clan: Tokugawa (formerly)
Extra: died during the sekigahara battle in the year 1600, where he was stabbed to death by an enemy samurai. When he came back to life, he was afraid and ran away from his clan who believes he is dead among his other samurai brother's, in which, he became a Ronin. After a long time of being alone, Andy, Joe, Lucius and Nicky found him and he became apart of their family.


Catori: female
Age: 400 (died in 1595 and came back immortal)

Family: Andy's groupTribe: Apache (formerly)Items: flute (plays & can stab you with it), dreamcatcher chokerWeapons: bow & arrows, tomahawk, knife, gunLover: HiroshiExtra: her dad was a warrior for their tribe

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Family: Andy's group
Tribe: Apache (formerly)
Items: flute (plays & can stab you with it), dreamcatcher choker
Weapons: bow & arrows, tomahawk, knife, gun
Lover: Hiroshi
Extra: her dad was a warrior for their tribe. He taught Catori how to hunt, track, make traps, and use weapons. Her family was killed by the pale faces and she was shot by a pale face but then came back which made her scared and confused. She consulted the elder in her tribe and he said that the great spirits gave her the gift of immortality. Catori didn't take the news well but the chief and others were there for her. The chief took care of Catori and trained her as a promise to her father. After years of living, her tribe died and she spent a lot of years alone until Andy, Lucius, Nicky, Joe, and Hiroshi found her and took her in.

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