2. Moving away

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Less: I bet that made you happy didn't it Abs.
Abi: And what is that meant to mean Alessia Russo?
Ella: Oh come on Abs all three of us know you like her.
Abi: Ok fine I may have a small slight crush on her but come on nothings going to happen it's Leah Williamson. But Ella would you mind asking her.
Ella: Of course not anything for you Abs.
Conversation with Leah:
Leah 🫶
Ella: Hey Leah can I ask you a favour. X
Leah: Yeah course what's up x
Ella: So you remember less' sister Abi well she's being sent on loan to arsenal for the season and needs somewhere to stay till she gets her own place x
Leah: course she can when does she need to come x
Ella: Tomorrow if that's ok x
Leah: ok cool giver her my number and get her to text me when she's leaving x
Ella: Will do see you later x
Leah: See ya x
*End of messages*
Ella: Good news she's cool with you staying with her. Oh and she wanted me to give you her number and for you to text her when you're leaving tomorrow (gives number)
Abi: ok thanks Ella, anyway what do you guys want to do? I'm packed and ready.
Less: You choose Abs this can be your night.
Abi: Ok can we just watch a film and talk and stuff like that?
Less: Course we can what film we watching
Ella and Abi: Harry Potter.
Less: (laughs) Ok children you put it on I'll go get some snacks.
*They start watching the film, about 10 minutes later*
Less: Hey I was thinking me and Ella have the day off tomorrow so we could come down with you.
Ella: Yeah good idea.
Abi: You don't have to if you don't want to I'll be fine.
Less: No we want to plus we can see Leah too.
Abi: Ok girls thanks for always being here for me.
*half an hour later Abi has fallen asleep*
Less: She'll be ok won't she?
Ella: Yeah of course and plus she'll have Leah to look after her. Look Less I know you worry about her but she's stronger now and she's stronger than you think.
Less: Yeah I guess you're right.
Ella: (chuckles) always am, anyway I'm going to go up to bed. Sleep well see you in the morning.
Less: Goodnight Ella.
*Less just lays next to Abi and falls asleep crying that she's leaving*
Abi: (wakes up from a nightmare and can't breath)
Less: (wakes up) Abs Abs are you ok. It's ok just put your hand on my heart and breath with me ok?
Abi: (5 minutes later) Thanks Less sorry for waking you up I had a nightmare.
Less: Don't worry about waking me up let's just go back to sleep want a hug.
*They fall asleep hugging each other*
*The next morning*
Less: Right have you two had breakfast cause we need to get going.
Abi: Yeah I've had some, let's go I guess.
Abi: Hey Leah it's Abi just thought I'd let you know that I'm just on my way
Leah: Hey Abi ok I'll see you in a bit x
*End of messages*
Abi: (sitting quietly in the back with tears rolling down her face)
*1 hour later*
Less: Right we're here you ready Abs.
Abi: Yup let's go I guess.

A/n hope you're enjoying this if you have any ideas I'm open to them but I do have a lot of ideas so not to worry! 😁

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