1. Unexpected news

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I'm Abi Russo. Yes I know what you're thinking, I'm related to Alessia Russo, in fact she's my twin sister. We have always been inseparable ever since we were little. Ever since we were those little 5 year olds who joined the boys team because there was no girls teams around, we were there for each other then and we still are now. But one of the best days of our lives came when we were 11, we got a letter each through the post saying that we had been scouted for the u12's with none other than Man United, yes that's right. And after 9 years we're stilling playing here happy and I couldn't be happier because I'm doing it with less and our best friend Ella.

It's the first week back in preseason.
Marc: Hey Abi can I have a word in my office quickly?
Abi: Yeah sure (follows him to his office)
Marc: So you're not going to like this but I'm going to send you out on loan for this season, just to rebuild you're strength from the injury last season.
Abi: Oh ok, may I ask where I'm going.
Marc: It will be arsenal.
Abi: (holding back the tears) Ok when will I be leaving.
Marc: Tomorrow.
Abi: Ok thanks for telling me is that all?
Marc: Yup you're free to go.
Abi: Would you mind if I just went home and packed seen as I leave tomorrow.
Marc: No that's fine and Abi I'm sorry to do this it wasn't my decision but there will always be a place here for you when your loan spell finishes.
Abi: Ok thanks Marc.
Drives home and just has a breakdown on her bed.
Abi: what am I going to do I have no where to stay down there.
Back at training
Less: Hey Marc where did Abi go after you're meeting with her?
Marc:oh did she not tell you what it was about?
Less: No can you please I'm really worried about her.
Marc: Well she's gone home because I'm having to send her out on loan but before you get angry with me it wasn't my decision it was the owners.
Less: (trying not to cry) Umm ok where is this loan to please tell me it's only city or something.
Marc: Umm no it's to arsenal.
Less: Oh ok can I quickly go phone her to see how she's doing?
Marc: No we're nearly done anyway so you and Ella can go home to spend some time with her if you want.
Less: Thank you Marc (shouts) ELLA
Ella: (runs over) Yeah what's up?
Less: We're going home early get ready or I'm leaving without you.
Ella: Ok mum (laughs)
20 minutes later back at home.
Abi: (hears a knock on her door) (wipes tears) come in.
Less: Abs come here I know you've been crying.
Ella: We can sort this out.
Abi: No we can't I leave tomorrow. Where am I going to stay?
Ella:Let me talk to Leah I can ask her if you can stay there.
Leah as in the LEAH WILLIAMSON no way I've liked her for ages!
A/n: tell me if you like it this is my first ever story so I'm trying my best!

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