Part 21.

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Leah: Well I mean we are at Annie's so Annie what would you like to do? 

Annie: I don't mind it's up to you guys. I mean I'm going to go to sleep in a minute anyway it's getting late. 

Leah: True, can we just go to bed too Bubs?

Abi: Of course Buba let's go come on.
Annie: Night guys. Sleep well and you know where I am if you need anything.

Me and Leah walk upstairs and Leah starts to get changed when she all of a sudden runs into the bathroom.

Abi: Leah Buba what's up come out it's fine. Whatever has happened is ok I'm here for you. 

Leah: (slowly comes out) Sorry I got freaked out but I should show you so here goes nothing I guess. (Lifts sleeves and jumper up) 

Abi: Oh Buba it's ok there's no need to be ashamed or scared to show me, I love you and all I want to do is help you through all of this.

Leah: I'm sorry I just got scared of what you would think of me if you saw.

Abi: No don't be sorry Buba you've done nothing wrong, now come here can i clean those arms for you?

Leah: Ok but please be careful they're really sore.

Abi: I'll be as gentle as possible Buba. (Goes to get some wipes and plasters out of the bathroom) right ok I'm going to tell you what I'm going to do before i do it so you know what's coming.

Leah: Ok Bubs.

Abi: Right so I'm going to just clean them first (Leah winces) sorry Buba, next I'm going to just put some plasters and stuff to cover them all up so they don't get infected. There we go all done well done Buba you were so brave about that.

Leah: Thank you Bubs that really helped, I'm glad you made me tell you. Can we go to bed now please?

Abi: Of course let's get some sleep. (They get into bed) Night Buba love you lots.

Leah: Night Bubs love you too.

*the next morning*

Leah: Morning Bubs how did you sleep? 

Abi: Morning Buba I slept well how about you?

Leah: I slept really well actually.

Abi: That's good to hear. Shit look at the time we need to get up so we aren't late. 

Leah: Oh yeah lets go. (They get up and get ready then leave the house with Annie to go to training.)

*at training*

Beth: Hey guys how are you this morning?

Leah: Tired and can't be bothered to be here but you know apart from that all good how about you?

Viv: You look tired I'm not lying but it'll be fine we have a plan.

Abi: Oh no not you two thinking that never ends well (laughs)

Beth: No its a good idea and it'll help both of you so if you'd just listen.

Viv: So we have already been to the board and have told them about Jonas treating you unfairly, Abs and then we need to go back about Betty and Jordan and then we can all be safe.

Abi: Right and you think that they're all just going to admit to it and just leave? Well I can tell you for certain that they won't and that you could've just made it a whole lot worse. (Walks off)

Leah: I'm sorry about her she's just worried and really stressed at the moment.

Beth: It's ok don't worry but I do think someone should go after her.

Annie: I'll go don't you worry, Leah stay here with Beth and Viv.

A/n: Sorry for the lack of updates I've been really busy so I'll get a longer part up later today. As always thanks for reading I hope you enjoy.

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