12. I promise

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Leah: As much as I love seeing you three together can we go inside it's really cold out here.

Abi: Yeah lets go in.

When we went in I saw Beth and Viv sitting on the sofa looking at us, probably just giving us time I imagine.

Beth: (Comes over and hugs Abi) Are you ok now Less told me what was going on and first thing tomorrow we are going to Jonas to get them kicked off the team, you're safe now Abi don't worry.

Viv: Give the girl some space Beth, but Abi, you're welcome to stay as long as you need ok.

Abi: Thanks guys (she leans her head on Leah's shoulder)

Leah: Are you tired cutie?(Abi nods) Right I think this one deserves a rest.

Beth: Yeah of course, but are you two ok to share a room or would you rather share with Less, Abi, it's up to you.

Abi: No I'm happy to share with Leah if she's ok with it.

Leah: Of course I'm fine with it lets get you to bed shall we.

We walked upstairs in silence but not an awkward silence like I had originally thought it may be but a very comfortable one. I am so grateful that Leah came when she did but I'm not sure why she did, I've only known her properly for a couple of days, although I am extremely grateful for these girls having my back I know if they tell Jonas it'll only make it worse for me because and I can't be sure of this but I think he is in on it all too.

Leah: Abi I'm not going to push you in to telling me anything but if you need to talk I'm here for you and always will be.

Abi: Thanks Leah but I'll be fine you don't need to worry, but I do kind of want to ask you something if it's ok?

Leah: Of course what's up?

Abi: Why did you come to see me? But more importantly what made you think something was wrong?

Leah: As soon as Jordan came back you stopped talking to me and then when Betty walked in the room I just knew something was wrong.

Abi: Well thank you for saving me, but now I'm going to sleep it's been a long day.

Leah: Night cutie sleep well remember I'm only here if you need me.

Abi: Night gorgeous sleep well.

I've been trying to get to sleep for ages but whenever I close my eyes all I see is them and what happened earlier today. But after what feels like forever my eyes start to get heavy.

A/N: Hey sorry been a hectic week at school but I'll get another part out after football as I have a match, as always let me know what you think and any ideas are much appreciated.

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