Part 23. Leahs' flashback pt 1

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A/n: This is going to be a flashback for Leah and then I may do one for Abi after. I'm really struggling for ideas so if anyone has any ideas it would be appreciated.

Tw:mentions of abuse

29th March 2019.
Today is meant to be a happy day, it's my birthday and we do have a match today but all I want to do is see my mum on my birthday but I know there's no chance in that. Jordan has got really bad recently and won't let me out of the house really apart from training and games, I've tried to stand up to her but there's no point, she'll always find a way to win. I just wish I could have the courage to speak up and tell someone. But I am very excited for the match today because it's against Bayern so I get to see Georgia, in the back of my head I really want to speak up and tell her about Jordan but I doubt I ever will.

Jordan: What are you doing just sitting there? Breakfast isn't going to make its self.

Leah: Sorry going now (as she's walking out Jordan trips her up and she falls)

Jordan: You're so pathetic (laughs)

All I could think in that minute is to not cry because that just never ends well.

*skip to after they've eaten breakfast and are about to leave to go to the training ground*

Jordan: Right so remember you don't tell anyone about what goes on when we're alone.

Leah: Of course not. Am I allowed to talk to Georgia?

Jordan: Yes but only so she doesn't get suspicious of anything.

Leah: Thank you. Can I see my mum soon?

Jordan: Right that's enough talking *slaps Leah* you know the answer to that.

We just got to the training ground where we have a meeting before we get on the bus to go to the stadium.

Beth: Hey Lee, you ok? Looks like you've been crying.

Leah: No why would I be crying.

Beth: If you say so. Anyway happy birthday.

Viv: Happy birthday Leah.

Leah: Thanks guys.

Beth's pov:
I know something is wrong with Leah, she's not been herself for a couple of months now. She's always on edge whenever Jordan is around and is always wearing long sleeves no matter the weather and not letting anyone touch or go near her, I want to check on her but I also don't want to push her away.

Jonas: Everyone on the bus now please.

Jordan: Come on babe let's get a seat together.

We sit on the coach in a place Jordan loves, away from everyone and with me at the window so she can hide me if she wants to do anything. Which she probably will.

Jordan: You're disgusting you know that right?

Leah: Sorry, what can I do to make it better?

Jordan: Not exist *laughs* no but you deserve every little thing I do, don't you forget that.

Just then Jordan decides that she is going to as she calls it 'have some fun' and she just gets a blade out her bag and tells me,

Jordan: Lift your sleeves up.

I can't even be bothered to argue with her, it'll just make it worse so I just let her. But before I know it we're here and I just have to hold in the tears again even though I'm in a lot of pain.

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