Part 19.

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We're training and I'm looking over at Leah just to check she's ok but she seems so off the beat. Missing passes, losing possession. Just generally not being on it. I'm not quite sure what's wrong with her but whatever it is I will make sure that I check up on her after training.
Betty: What do you keep looking at just train.
Abi: Stop telling me what to do ok leave me alone.
Betty: I wouldn't talk to me like that if I was you or you know what will happen to that girl over there (points to Leah) I can do it at any time so be careful.
Abi: Ok whatever you say.
And that's when I saw it She was just laying there on the floor when I looked back over. Before thinking about what Betty and Jordan keep threatening I run to be by Leah's side.
Abi: Leah Leah wake up what happened to her? (Starting to cry)
Jordan: How am I supposed to know but get away from her she wouldn't want you near her anyway.
Abi: (crying and has had enough of Jordan and Betty getting their way) and why is that it's not like you were ever truly there for her.
Jonas: (shouting) That is quite enough Abi leave Leah alone Jordan you can go to medical with Leah and keep and eye on her now the rest of you back to training except Betty and Abi my office now please. (Walks off)
Betty: Let's go then. (Walks off and grabs Abi to walk with her)
Beth: Shit! What are we going to do girls Leah can't be alone with Jordan and then Abi is going to get properly told off and then she'll be alone with Betty.
Viv: Calm down. Right someone go to Leah and just say you want to check on her.
Beth: I'll go. (Walks off)
Viv: and then Annie you go and be near the office so you can get Abi away from Betty when she comes out I'll just stay out here and don't tell anyone what's happened please.
Annie: I won't don't worry.
*with Beth*
Beth: Hey Jordan how is she?
Jordan: I think she hasn't eaten enough today and just passed out didn't you babe.
Leah: Yeah I forgot to eat breakfast and then wasn't hungry at lunch sorry Jordan.
Beth: It's ok don't say sorry but you need to eat Lee.
Jordan: Would you mind leaving us alone for a bit Beth?
Beth: (reluctantly) yeah sure.
*with Abi*
Jonas: And what was that about you're so stupid.
Abi: We'll what was I supposed to do my girlfriend had just passed out on the floor and no one knew why.
Jonas: Well you can stop lying for one. There is no way Leah could be your girlfriend.
Betty: I know right! She keeps saying that.
Jonas: Right, now the plan is that you are not going to keep on living with Leah because we can't have you getting in the way of her and Jordan. Now training's over so you're free to go. (Abi runs out crying)
Annie: Abi Abi come here I heard everything. Look you're going to stay with me tonight ok and don't worry I'll tell Leah so don't worry. Now we're finished so let's just go and get you home.
Abi: Ok but promise to tell Leah what's going on and we need to get her away from Jordan.
Annie: Well I'll go get Leah now because Jordan is in a meeting and we'll all go back to mine cause they don't know where I live now. Go get in the car and I'll be out in a second.
*5 minutes later*
Abi: (sitting in the back so she can be with Leah) Hey bubs come here. (Hugs Leah)
Leah: Can I talk to you later but not now. Right now I just want to hug you.
Abi: Yeah of course you get some rest on the way back to Annie's.
Leah: Ok thanks gorgeous.
*five minutes later Leah is asleep*
Abi: Annie she's going to be ok isn't she?
Annie: Yeah. She's been through a lot but she'll be ok if she has you by her side.
Abi: Well I'm never leaving her side. (Leah woke up and heard)
Leah: I heard that gorgeous and I'm never going to leave your side either. (Hugs Abi from the side as they are still in the car)
Annie: Right we're here let's go.
Abi: When do you want to talk bubs?
Leah: Can we get it out the way now I just need to say it.
Abi: Yeah sure let's go upstairs. (They go upstairs) Right take as long as you need there's no rush.
Leah: Well the thing is...

A/n: Hope you enjoy this part and as always let me know what you think and if you have any ideas.

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