Part 26.

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*back to normal time now and skip a month since they told the owners about Betty and Jordan but nothing has happened and it's still not much better*

Leah: We need to leave for training babe. *shouting up the stairs to Abi*

Abi: I'm not going, I'll see you later, love you.

Leah: What do you mean baby, why aren't you coming?

Abi: I don't want to do it anymore, I just can't.

Leah: Why baby, you're doing amazingly for arsenal.

Abi: No Leah, I never play, all I do is sit on the bench, Jonas hates me, nothing is happening about Jordan and Betty and I'm tired of all of it.

Leah: But you giving up and not going to training will only make them think that they can push you around more.

Abi: No Leah, I don't care anymore, and I refuse to go to training.

Leah: Fine call me if you need me, I love you baby.

Abi: Bye Leah. *Leah leaves* SHIT *Punches the wall*

Abi's pov:

I am such an awful person, but more importantly I am an awful girlfriend to Leah, she deserves so much better than me and I can't believe how angry I just got at her when she was just trying to help me. Shit, she's going to hate me after this, I have to call her to let her know how sorry I am, wait no I have to go in to training so I can prove how sorry I am.

*Abi gets in her car and drives quite fast to training*

Beth: What are you doing here, thought you didn't want to do it anymore.

Abi: No Beth that is not what I m-

Beth: No I think you should just leave, you've done enough to poor Leah as it is.

Abi: Beth, please just tell her I'm sorry. *goes to walk off*

Jonas: Where do you think you're going?

Abi: Oh I was just dropping something off for Leah, I don't feel too good today.

Jonas: No you look fine, plus you're already here and have your kit on, so don't lie to me.

*Beth had walked off and was with Jordan but neither of them saw you so you heard this whole conversation*

Beth: What are you going to do today?

Jordan: Trip her up in training a bit, just try and get her really annoyed.

Beth: Nice!

Abi: I thought you were different Beth. *runs off*

Lotte: Beth how could you?

Viv: I'm sorry, but if this is what you're truly like then I don't think I can be with you anymore, *walks off to find you*

Beth: Wait Viv no.

Viv: *Just ignores her and runs around and finally bumps in to you* Are you ok?

Abi: I just can't believe Beth would do that.

Viv: Me neither, I can't be with her after that.

Abi: Shit I'm just messing everything up *goes to walk off*

Viv: Nope you're not going anywhere, sit down. You aren't ruining anything come here *hugs you*

Abi: But I have, if I wasn't here you wouldn't have broken up with Beth.

Viv: I'm glad you are here, I'd rather that then me not know what she is really like.

Steph (Cately): Hey Abi are you ok? I heard what Beth and Jordan said.

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