5. Settling in

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We got to training and I immediately recognised someone I hadn't seen in years.
Abi: Annie hey long time no see!
Annie: Abi omg I haven't seen you in ages I missed you.
Abi: I missed you too.
Leah: You two know each other?
Abi: Yeah we were friends growing up.
Leah: Aww cute, look I hate to break this reunion up but we're gonna be late and Abi believe me you don't want to see Jonas when you're late.
Annie: No you do not!
*They walk into training*
Jonas: Just on time girls, oh Abi I see you've met Anna. *Abi is trying not to laugh* Anyway get your boots on and I'll see you out on the pitch *walks away.
Abi: *starts laughing* yes hello Anna.
Annie: Shut up Abs he won't listen the amount of times I've had to tell him.
Leah: Right come on you two or we'll all be in trouble.
*They go out to training*
Jonas: Right so first we will be doing some shooting drills.
*they do some more drills and they're going into lunch*
Abi: *it's just Abi and Annie* So Annie how have you been?
Annie: Yeah same old my mum still watches all your games you know.
Abi: aww that's sweet I love your mum!
Annie: speaking of mums how's the situation with your parents?
Abi: Oh yeah I wondered when you'd ask that, not great still but Annie don't mention it around Leah for now please I haven't told her yet, I will probably I just need time.
Annie: Ok I won't but I think if you're living with her you should tell her plus I know you like her. *nudges Abi*
Abi: Oh yeah about that she likes me too!
Annie: You go girl.
*They go and eat lunch, after*
Kim Little: Right everyone Jonas wants us in the gym for an hour then we have a meeting so let's not waist any time.
I've always looked up to Kim despite her not playing for united I've just always seen her as an amazing player!
*after the gym*
Kim: Right everyone meeting room now you know what he's like when we're late.
*they all arrive in the meeting room*
Jonas: Hey girls, so as you all know we have a match against Chelsea on Saturday so in 2 days. *talks about more tactics and stuff for a bit* Right that's it you're free to go but Abi can I talk to you quickly.
Abi: Sure I'll be there in a minute lee. So what's up.
Jonas: You need to stop bringing Leah down with you.
Abi: What? What do you mean bringing her down with me?
Jonas: You're always late and Leah is a star player of ours and I don't think you're a good influence on her.
Abi: Ok I'll do better.
Jonas: You better, right that's all just don't tell anyone about this little chat ok and I might play you next match yeah.
Abi: Of course bye see you tomorrow.
Jonas: Bye
*Abi leaves*
Leah: Hey cutie what did he want.
Abi: Oh just about the fact it's my first game nothing to worry about gorgeous.
Leah: Ok let's get home.
*you get home*
Leah: Wanna watch a film?
Abi: In a bit yeah I'm just going up to my room for a bit.
Leah: Oh ok see you in a bit.
Abi: Bye.
*Leah worries a bit but tries to forget about it*

A/n: so sorry it's taken so long I've been really busy but I'm trying to post more regularly now.

As always any ideas will be appreciated

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