Part 30.

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Abi gets in the house and Katie just puts her hand on her shoulder.
"It'll be ok won't it Cait" Katie says to her friend.
"I don't think that she is cheating but if she is then we will both be here for you" Caitlin reassures Abi.
Abi thanks them and then the three athletes sit down and turn the tv on before Abi gets a call from Alessia.

*On the phone*
Lessi: Hey Abs, well played today
Abi: Thanks Lessi, you have a game tomorrow right?
Lessi: Yeah, I was at your game today but didn't get a chance to see you, me and Els were there, are you ok now?
Abi: Yeah all good now, thanks Lessi, sorry I didn't get to see you.
Lessi: It's ok, look I have to go but I'll see you soon ok, love you.
Abi: Love you too Lessi.
*End of phone call*

"Was that your sister?" Caitlin asks Abi once the latter is off the phone.
"Yeah, her and Ella were at the game today but it was a surprise and I didn't get a chance to see them" Abi replies.
"Awh that's a shame" Katie joins in on the conversation.
Just then there is a knock on the door, Caitlin goes to get it but when she opens the door, Katie and Abi can hear some shouting.
"No I don't normally get angry easily, but the fact you came round here, with her, just proves everything, Abi deserves so much better" Caitlin argues.
"I came here to prove me and Rosie are just friends, I have a girlfriend and so does she" Leah protests.
"No Leah, unless you're saying she's your girlfriend, no you don't have one, because I'm done, I obviously can't mean that much to you, because I introduced you to all my friends but the only friends of yours that I know are the arsenal girls, and it's only because I have to know them." Abi shouts, letting the anger get the best of her.
Leah doesn't say anything, she just turns around and gets back in the car, where Rosella was waiting for her.
"What happened?" The latter asks as the athlete gets in the car.
"She broke up with me Rosie, she genuinely thinks I'm cheating on her" Leah sobs.
"It's ok, now look, you're not staying at home on your own, you're coming to stay with me and Lina for a few nights and then we'll try and sort this all out again ok?"
"Thanks Rosie, you're a great friend"
"No worries, it's what I'm here for" Rosella says as she begins to drive towards her house.
Meanwhile back with Caitlin, Katie and Abi, they all go back and sit down in the living room, and Abi just bursts out crying.
"I really thought she was different" She sobs out.
"I'm sorry Abs, I never thought Leah would do anything like this" Caitlin responds, wrapping her arm around her close friend.
"Me neither, but it was brave of you to say what you just did, I'm proud of you." Katie adds.
"And you can stay here as long as you need to" Caitlin tells Abi as she squeezes her to let her know she is there.
"Thanks guys, you don't know how much this means" Abi says, slowly stopping to cry a bit.

The three athletes decide it's time they should go to bed because it's getting late and they have recovery tomorrow as well as a meeting with Jonas. Abi goes to bed but she can't get to sleep, missing the warm embrace of the tall blonde who she still loved so strongly, but all she kept telling herself was that this was for the best and if Leah was going to cheat then she was better off without her, no matter how hard that was appearing to be at this moment in time. Little did she know that there was a certain taller blonde who was crying just as much, if not more, only 20 minutes away. Leah didn't sleep at all that night, her mind never leaving the fact that just because she didn't introduce Abi to her friends, because of how introverted she was, could have cost her whole relationship with the one person she cared about most. The next morning Abi gets dressed, very reluctantly, into her training kit and then makes her way down the stairs and into Caitlin and Katie's kitchen, where the two latter girls were already sitting, each with a coffee in hand.
"Morning Abs, guessing you didn't sleep much?" Katie asks when she notices Abi come through the door.
"No, I know I broke up with her for the right reasons, but it just hurts you know" Abi responds.
"It's completely understandable to be hurting, are you going to be ok for training today?"
"I think so Cait, I hope so"
The girls then get some breakfast before getting into the car and making their way to the training ground, Abi a lot more nervous than she would have expected to be this time twenty four hours ago.

a/n: Thank you for reading, sorry for short chapter I just wanted to get an update out :)

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