4. Date night

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Leah was so stunning tonight she was wearing a lovely shirt with beige trousers and a matching beige blazer. She took my breath away and I bet she wasn't even trying! I was wearing a white shirt with black trousers and a green blazer, but I looked nowhere near as good as she did.
*Leah walks down stairs*
Abi: Wow you look amazing gorgeous!
Leah: Not as stunning as you do cutie!
Abi: Little miss flattery tonight I see, anyway where are we going tonight?
Leah: That's for me to know and you to find out.
Abi: Cheeky!
We get in the car and Leah drives us to a really cute small restaurant. It was nice but not too fancy, god it's like she knows me so well already!
*whilst they were eating*
Leah: So cutie are you enjoying yourself?
Abi: Yes I'm having a great time gorgeous.
Leah: So I wanted to tell you why I invited you out on this date type thing. Well I had to tell you how I feel so here goes nothing, I like you Abi in more than I friend way.
Abi: Oh my god no way I like you too.
Leah: That's amazing I'm so happy.
Abi: Same but can we take things slow?
Leah: I was going to ask the same thing!
Abi: Shall we get home it's getting late and we have training in the morning.
Leah: Yeah good idea cutie.
*They get in the car and Leah starts driving back home*
Abi: Thanks for tonight lee.
Leah: No thank you Abs for agreeing to come.
*They get home*
Abi: I'm going to go to bed if that's ok.
Leah: Of course it is you don't have to ask permission.
Abi: Ok night I'll see you in the morning.
Leah: Night cutie I'll see you in the morning.
*Abi wakes up at 1am and screams because of a nightmare*
Leah: *bursts through the door* Abs what's wrong?
Abi: Sorry Le I had a nightmare I didn't mean to wake you up.
Leah: Don't cry it's ok I was awake anyway, do you think you can go back to sleep or do you want a cuddle?
Abi: Can I have a cuddle, but only if you want to I don't want you to be uncomfortable.
Leah: Of course you can have a cuddle you know I'll do anything for you Abs.
No way this can't be happening Leah is sleeping in my bed with me, I've never noticed how good she smells, but I still can't figure out how this girl likes me back. This must be some kind of joke her and the other girls are playing on me.
*it's half 6 and Leah wakes you up*
Leah: Hey cutie sorry to wake you but we have to get ready we have to leave in an hour.
Abi: Oh but I was warm with you.
Leah: So was I but we need to eat before we go.
Abi: Ok I'll be down in a minute.
Leah: *Abi walks into the kitchen* *in head* woah she is even more stunning today than usual *out loud* Hey Abs there some breakfast for you on the table.
Abi: Thanks gorgeous.
*They eat and then get in the car*
Leah: Let's go I think there should be another new person for you to meet as she wasn't in yesterday.
Abi: ok who is it?
Leah: you'll see soon.
*They arrive at training*

A/n: So sorry it's taken so long I've been so busy with football and school but I'm on half-term now so should be posting a bit more.

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