Part 31.

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(A/n: I'm on my laptop the conversations will be in bold, enjoy)

They get in to the changing rooms and luckily Leah isn't there yet and that Caitlin and Abi have their lockers next to each other.
"Just stay with me and Katie in training today it'll be ok" Caitlin says with her arm around Abi.
"Thanks Cait, I'm not sure what I would've done without you and Katie" Abi tells her friend.
"It's what we are here for Abs" Caitlin responds as they both begin to get ready for training, and just as they are about to walk down to the boot room, Leah walks into the room and instantly there is a very tense silence all around the room, and even the girls who aren't aware of the current situation between Abi and Leah yet can tell that something has happened between the pair, who usually never left the other's side. No one said anything on the matter however and instead they started walking to the boot room in groups, all just chatting and catching up. The team all go out onto the pitch and do a warm up before making their way over to Jonas, ready to hear what he has in store for them today. "Hello girls, today we will be doing some possession drills and then some set pieces and then after lunch you will be in the gym, so for the first drill you will need to get into pairs" Jonas finishes, this is what I was worried about, Leah and me always go with each other and all of the other girls have who they always go with when we are doing drills in pairs. However Katie agrees to go with Leah so that I can go with Caitlin so at least I don't have that to worry about. "Thanks Cait" "That's ok, now come on" As Caitlin says this we begin to make our over so that we can start the drill that has been set up for us. And as much as we are all serious in training, all of us, including Jonas, like to have a good laugh every now and then. We do the rest of the possession drills and then practice our set pieces and before long it is time for lunch and we all start to make our way back into the changing room. I just change my shoes and don't bother having a shower seen as we still have to do our gym session after we have eaten. Me, Caitlin and Katie make our way down to the canteen and get ourselves some food before going and sitting down on a table with Lotte, Alessia, Beth and Viv. All of us begin to eat our food, just having the usual conversations, until Lotte brings up the one thing I do not want to talk about. "What's going on between you and Leah then mate?" "Leave her alone Lotte, don't make her talk about it" Katie says, defending me, even though we both know that Lotte meant no harm in the question. "No Katie it's fine, Lotte was only asking, basically after our match I saw Leah and Rosella Ayane together" I respond "Oh Abi I'm sorry, you don't deserve this" "It's okay Lotte, I'll live"

(a/n I've ran out of ideas so skip six months)

So about the last six months, they've been eventful to say the least, me and Leah finally started talking again and released that it was all just a misunderstanding. We've been doing great, we went out last night on a date and she actually proposed to me so nothing could be going better.

(a/n: again skip, sorry about this, skip 2 years)

When I said things couldn't get any better, I was wrong, we got married a year ago and it was the best day of my life, well that was until a month ago when I gave birth to our baby girl, Florence. After trying ivf a few times me and Leah found out I was pregnant, it was such a happy day and even though it was hard and I went through a lot of pain, it was completely worth it to have our baby with us in the end.

I am so sorry for the way this has ended but I have just completely ran out of ideas and wanted to come to some sort of closure on it if you get what I mean.

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