Part 29.

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Abi gets her gloves on and stands in her goal ready for kickoff, she doesn't know yet but Lessi and Ella have come down to watch her play as a surprise. The game starts off slow with Arsenal having most of the ball and Abi not having much to do, Arsenal go 1-0 up in the 33 minute and when tottenham restart they seem to all of a sudden gain attacking momentum, they win a corner after Abi manages to tip a shot from Bethany over the bar, Molly Bartrip sends the corner in and as Leah jumps up to defend it her elbow catches Abi in the face, causing her to go down, the ball goes in the back of the net and no one notices that Abi is down, or that she has been knocked unconscious, that is until Leah goes to get the ball out the back of the net and notices her girlfriend laying on the floor, she rushes over and kneels down next to her.
"Abi, wake up, Abi" Leah says, lightly shaking Abi.
"Is she ok?" The ref asks, running over.
"No she's passed out, I think I knocked her with my elbow by accident." Leah responds
The ref signals for the medics to come on just as Abi starts to wake back up, she tries to get up but Leah softly pushes her back down.
"No, rest" Leah tells her girlfriend.
Abi does as she's told, grabbing Leah's hand very tightly. The medics ask Abi if she can walk, she says yes so Leah and the medics help her up and start walking to the side of the pitch.
"No I want to play on" Abi argues.
"No Abs, I love you but you've just been knocked out, it's not safe" Leah responds.
"Wait did they score?" Abi asks.
"Yes darling, they did" Leah responds.
"Fuck sake" Abi says, look defeated as they reach the edge of the pitch.
"It's ok baby, now go and rest and I will come and see you as soon as I can" Leah says kissing Abi on the head.
"Ok, love you" Abi says before being led down the tunnel.
When they get to the physio room, Abi sits down on the medical bed and just cries, defeated at how she had to be subbed off so early and how she couldn't even keep a clean sheet in the first half of a match, she feels like she has failed the team, Abi just sits there crying as the medics are checking the severity of her injuries.
"Right you've got off lucky, only a very slight concussion, you should be good to train this week" One physio says.
"Thank you so much, can I go and watch the rest of the match now?" Abi asks.
"Go on then, but be careful please Abi, I don't want you injured again" The second physio responds.
Abi gets up and leaves the physio's room and makes her way to the changing room, she doesn't know that it is half time but she wants to have a shower before going out to support the girls, but instead of the quiet changing room she was expecting, she is greeted with the whole team arguing with Jonas over something.
"Why can't I go and see her, I'll be back before the second half even starts" Leah says, clearly getting annoyed at the situation.
"No you can't, you can see her after the game, if you leave this room then I will just bench you" Jonas replies.
"Jonas just let her go check on Abi, it's not going to hurt anyone" Steph joins in the conversation.
"You don't need to come see me" Abi says as she walks in.
"Abs, are you ok, I'm so sorry" Leah says, panicking at how badly the athlete is injured.
"I'm ok Le, don't apologise you didn't mean to" Abi responds, wrapping her arm around Leah's shoulder.
"What did they say it was Abs?" Lia asks her friend.
"Just a minor concussion, if I rest tonight and tomorrow then I should be good for training" Abi responds, smiling at her close friend.
"That's good, are you going to come and watch the second half baby?" Leah asks, placing a kiss on Abi's head.
"Yeah, I'm just going to have a shower first then I'll be out ok"
"Ok Abs, love you" Leah says as all the girls walk out to start the game again.

Abi gets in the shower, still annoyed at how her game went, she forgot to ask the girls the score but hoped that nothing else had gone Tottenham's way, she was also annoyed at how Jonas was being, why wouldn't he just let Leah check on her quickly, what harm could that small gesture do? These are the thoughts running through the athletes head as she gets out of the shower and gets changed into some arsenal joggers and a hoodie and walking back out to the bench, when she sits down Leah scores almost instantly, noticing her girlfriend on the bench and running in that direction for her celebration of a heart pointed towards Abi. Abi looks at the big screen and notices the score is now 3-1 to Arsenal, which means luckily Tottenham didn't score again in the first half. After all the girls have celebrated they get back into position ready for the restart, nothing else really happens in the game because it was already at about 60 minutes when Abi came out, the game finishes 3-1 and the girls start to do a lap around the pitch, Abi is talking to Steph and Caitlin when she notices Leah talking to the same spurs player as before. Katie walks over but when she gets there she notices you and Caitlin are very focused on something else.
"What's up with them Steph?" Katie asks the Australian athlete.
"Leah is talking to Rosella Ayane again" Steph replies, looking at Abi.
"Abs, Abi look at me" Katie pulls Abi by the shoulder "Leah wouldn't cheat on you" She adds, pulling Abi into a hug.
"Then why is she talking to her so much, they look way too close to be friends" Abi says getting quite upset.
"Would you like me to talk to her?" Katie asks.
"Yes please Katie" Abi says as Katie leaves the hug and starts to walk down to where Leah is.
"Just stay calm please Katie" Caitlin shouts.
"She never stays calm you should know that by now Cait" Abi comments.
"I know, I just don't want her to get hurt or hurt someone else" Caitlin says to Abi and Steph.
Meanwhile Katie has just caught up with Leah, she walk up behind Rosella and thinks it will be a good idea to shove her, Rosella ends up on the floor and Leah turns around to shout at Katie.
"Katie what do you think you are doing?" Leah says, getting angry while trying to help Rosella up.
"Maybe don't cheat on Abi and I wouldn't have to get involved." Katie replies.
"What do you mean, I'm not cheating on her, me and Rosie are just friends." Leah defends herself.
"Oh yeah and me and Cait are just friends, I didn't think you were this kind of person" Katie shouts as she walks away.
"I'm sorry Le, I've probably messed up your relationship with Abi" Rosella says after Katie has walked away.
"It's ok Rosie, I'll talk to Abi later, when she's calmed down" Leah responds before getting called over by Jonas.
"I'll text you later Rosie" Leah shouts as she's running away.
Leah runs over to Jonas who just wanted to have a chat and then she walks into the changing room, what she doesn't know is Abi heard her say she'd text Rosella later and has agreed to stay and Caitlin and Katie's house.
"Hey baby" Leah says as she walks into the changing room.
Abi just ignores her and walks back over to Lotte, Viv and Beth.
"What's going on with you two?" Viv asks the smaller athlete.
"I think she's cheating on me with Ayane" Abi sighs, defeated.
"Abs, I'm sorry, do you have somewhere to stay tonight, because I'm guessing you don't want to be at home with Leah" Beth says, joining the conversation.
"Yeah thanks I'm staying with Caitlin and Katie"
"Ok that's cool, our house is always there if you need to stay"
"Thanks Beth"
Everyone finishes packing their stuff up and then they all leave the changing room to get on the bus, Abi sits down and Leah goes to sit next to her,
"Lotte is sitting there already" Abi says, not even looking up at Leah.
Leah doesn't say anything, she just walks away and sits on her own, going on her phone. Abi is sitting next to Lotte and opposite them are Caitlin and Katie. The latter 3 are all talking the whole way back to the training ground but Abi is just sitting, looking out the window. They get back to the training ground and Abi, Caitlin and Katie get in the latter's car and drive back to their house.

a/n: It's been a while but here you go, enjoy :)

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