Part 14.

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Less: The truth is she really likes you too Leah, she adores you in fact.
Leah: Umm Less thanks for telling me but I kind of already knew.
Less: What how?
Leah: I took her out the other night and told her and she told me she liked me back.
Less: So are you two going out now?
Leah: No not yet we're taking it slow.
Less: Ok but Leah if you two do get together I need you to promise me something.
Leah: Sure Less what is it?
Less: Promise me that if you two do end up getting together like I'm sure you will please promise you'll look after her because she's been through a lot and is quite vulnerable under the surface.
Leah: Of course Less even if we don't get together I will protect her from everything. She safe with me don't worry.
Less: Thank you Lee it means a lot that you care for her and I know she has someone there for her when I can't be there with her.
Leah: No need to thank me it's what you do when you love someone. Now let's go back in before they wonder where we are.
Less: Yeah let's go but can I give you a hug first?
Leah: Of course Less (hugs)
*Back in the kitchen*
Beth: Abs would you like anything to eat?
Abi: No I'm ok thanks not that hungry.
Ella: Abs can I speak to you quickly?
Abi: Sure Ells.
Leah: Where you two going now?
Ella: I just need a word with Abi and Less can you come too?
Less: Sure. We'll be back in in a sec Leah.
Leah: Ok cool (walks back into the kitchen)
Ella: Abi do you need to tell us anything?
Abi: What no what do you mean Ella?
Ella: Abi I know you were hungry when Beth asked you and I don't want you to go back to what you used to do it's not healthy.
Abi: It was fine Ella I was and am fine stop worrying about me I'm an adult.
Ella: I know but I love you and want to make sure you are ok.
Abi: Well I'm fine so don't treat me like a kid. (Walks out back into the kitchen)
Leah: You ok Abs?
Abi: Yeah I'm fine.
Leah: We have a match today as you know but are you ok to come or do you want to miss it and stay here because we can tell Jonas you're sick if you don't want to tell him.
Abi: No I'll come it'll be good to take my mind off things and hopefully I'll play.
Viv: You should start really cause it's between you and Jordan and you are a lot fitter than she is.
Beth and Leah: Yeah very true.
Abi: I very much doubt I'll start but it would be pretty nice!
*They get changed and are about to get in the car.*
Less: We'll see you there and good luck Abs.
Abi: You're coming to watch?
Less: Of course we wouldn't miss it for the world. Now go before you're late!
*They get to the stadium and Abi just sits staring into space scares to get out*
Leah: Abs come here (hugs her) right here's the plan we're going to get out the car and you can stick by me or Viv or Beth the whole time you choose. We won't let Betty or Jordan anywhere near you ok.
Abi: Thanks guys.
Viv: It's what friends are for now you ready to show them what you're made of?
Abi: As ready as I'll ever be.

A/n: A bit of a less sensitive one this time. I'm loving writing this and after a break I'm trying to be more regular.

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