Part 22

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Tw: Some people may find upsetting with some of the details.

On the way to the toilets where I was going to clear my head from what Beth and Viv said I bumped into Jonas.

Jonas: Hello Abi, where are you off to?

Abi: Just the toilet I'll be out in like one minute I promise I won't be late.

Jonas: Ok see you soon.

I thought he was acting a bit weird but when isn't Jonas weird so I just brushed it off and went into the toilets.

Jordan: Hello Abi *smiles*

Abi: Hi?

Jordan: What are you confused about?

Abi: You're being nice to me. I thought you hated me.

Jordan: I could never hate you. *smiles then walks out*

Annie: *walks in after* Well that was weird.

Abi: You can say that again. I was thinking Beth and Viv are right, we have to stand up to them, I can't let them win.

Annie: That's my girl, now lets go to training and then we'll get this all sorted out.

Abi: Let's go!

We go out to training and everyone's eyes on me. That I do not like, but anyway I try and shake it off and just try and get on with training. Jonas starts talking.

Jonas: Right first we are going to work in the gym so yeah off you go.

*skip to the end of training*
Not much happened during training and now we're just sitting with Beth and Viv and talking about the plan.

Abi: So guys I'm sorry about earlier. I agree we have to stand up to them, they can't win.

Beth: That's more like it!

Viv: Right what's the plan then?

Abi: Ahh that's where I'm not sure *chuckles*

Beth: Don't worry it's Beth to the rescue, so the plan is we need to go back to the board about them and I'm pretty sure they're in today so shall we go look now.

Viv: And we'll stay with you the whole time, you're not alone in this, we got you. *hugs Abi and Leah*

We walk upstairs to where all the offices are and knock on the door to be greeted by one of the owners telling us to come in.

Owner 1: Come in. Oh hello girls what can we help you with?

Viv: Well you know me and Beth came to talk about Jonas, well there's another problem.

Owner 2: Ok what's up? Come and sit down all of you. Who seems to be the problem?

Abi: It's Jordan and Betty, essentially I used to date Betty and she was very abusive and then Jordan was the same with Leah. *is getting a bit nervous*

Leah: And when Betty joined they seem to both be targeting Abi and they have been abusing her as well.

Abi: And you it's not just me who's suffering, you're just as important.

Beth: This is as well as what we told you about Jonas earlier.

Owner 1: Ok wow I'm so sorry this is happening to you and we will be having meeting with them and we will not let this continue.

Owner 2: Yes it is not something we accept under any circumstances here at Arsenal, if they continue please don't hesitate to come to us again. We will put a stop to this.

Viv: Thank you so much guys we really appreciate this.

We walk out the office and it feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

Leah: You ok babe?

Abi: Yeah I am actually baby it feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

Beth: Good to hear. Now who wants to go for coffee?

Abi: Ewww coffee weirdos.

Leah: Hot chocolate for us babe?

Abi: Now that sounds more like it! *chuckles*

Lotte: Let's go!

We all go to our cars and say we'll meet in 10 minutes at our usual coffee shop. I'm obviously with Leah.

Leah: I'm proud of you babe that must have been hard for you.

Abi: I'm proud of you too, you're going through this as well. We're in it together now.

Leah: Together forever *kisses Abi*

*Skip to getting to the coffee shop*

Lotte: Abs are you still boring and having hot chocolate?

Abi: Excuse me! I am not boring I just have a better taste than you, and you can't handle it.

Lotte: Whatever you say little one.

Abi: Oh shush I'm not that small!

Lotte: Sure you're not!

Abi: Leah tell Lotte I'm not that small.

Leah: Sorry Abs but you are quite tiny.

Abi: Rude!

Leah: Let me finish, yes you are quite tiny but it's one of the things I love so much about you.

Abi: Aww ok Leah I guess I forgive you. Not you though Lotte *Sticks her tongue out at Lotte*

A/n: Only a short one so I can just get one out. I think I'm back now but I'm still getting back to normal after all that's happened so updates may not be regular. Hope you enjoy. Any ideas would be appreciated.

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