Part 20.

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⚠️trigger warning: mentions of abuse and sh⚠️

Leah: The thing is...
Abi: It's ok bubs take your time.
Leah: As you know me and Jordan used to date. And we were going out for about 2 and a half maybe 3 years. It was good to start off with and it felt like we genuinely loved each other but then it all changed. She would go out and come back at really late times or not come back at all til the next morning but when she did come home she would always be drunk and angry. And she would take that anger out on me. (Starts to cry so Abi just holds her tighter) At first I thought it was all just a stage and that it would end soon but I was wrong, it just got worse and it started to be that she wouldn't even need to be drunk to do it and she would just keep saying this is all my fault and that I deserve it, and then it got even worse and apart from going to training she wouldn't let me leave the house or see any of my friends or family. It was horrible (just cries so much she can't talk anymore)
Abi: Bubs I am so sorry you had to go through that no one, especially not you deserves to go through that. Now if you don't want to tell me it is ok because I think I can work it out but what did Jordan do to you when she took her anger out on you? (Never once letting go of Leah)
Leah: No it's ok. She just used to do anything she could think of that may hurt me. She would hit me scratch me just any little thing.
Abi: Oh bubs I am so sorry you had to go through all of that but I will never let anyone hurt you again. Ok? You're safe with me.
Leah: Thank you gorgeous. I'm just going to go to the toilet and then should we go down and see Annie?
Abi: Yeah ok I'll see you down there.
Leah: Ok gorgeous love you.
Abi: Love you too.
It broke my heart to hear what Leah had to go through. It's also hard to think that now I am going to have to open up at some point because she does deserve to know how fucked up my life is too. But not right now, right now I just have to be there for Leah and I always will be.
Leah's POV:
I've just told Abi most of what I've been through but not all of it. It was too much to say at once and I know I should tell her about what I was doing and still am doing to myself as well as what Jordan did but I just couldn't say it then in that moment. I've just walked into the bathroom and Abi has gone downstairs already. And look I know I promised Beth I would never do it again I just have to I can't deal with it anymore. So I take the blade and start on my arms trying to fight the urge not to go deep but I can tell it's not working. I then do a couple on my legs. But only a few because they are easier to spot then my arms. I then decide I have to stop before I pass out again seen as I haven't eaten all day. I walk downstairs and Abi instantly calls me over so she can hold me.
Abi: Cone here bubs I've got you. (Goes to hug Leah but she flinches) What's up bubs are you ok?
Leah: Yeah what do you mean I'm fine.
Abi: (suspicious but doesn't want to push her) Ok bubs. Now what do you want to do for the rest of the day?

A/n: I know it's only a short one but a longer one will be out later I just wanted to get one out for you guys cause it's been a while. Hope you enjoy and remember if you need to talk my messages are always open.

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