Part 18.

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⚠️ Trigger warning references to abuse and sh⚠️
We just walked into the gym and that's when Leah gets called over to Jonas but luckily Annie has just walked in so I won't be alone and all awkward. The only problem is Jordan is also over where Jonas is and Leah looks very uncomfortable with it all.
Annie: Where's Leah?
Abi: Jonas called her over there but I'm worried because Jordan is over there and she looks really uncomfortable with it all.
Annie: (looks over to where they are) I'm not sure what we can do though because you know what Jonas is like when you interrupt him.
Jonas: Right guys come over I need to tell you all your training partners. Right so first we have Beth and Viv, next is Leah and Jordan and then we have Katie and Anna and Abi and Betty.... (He says the rest)
Abi: (quietly so only Annie can hear) what the fuck am I going to do? I don't even care I'm with Betty I need to get Leah away from Jordan.
Annie: Yeah we do but we also need to keep you safe as well. Beth Viv can you come over here please. (They walk over) right we have a problem.
Viv: Yeah we do we have two really.
Abi: No we only have one and that's Leah being with Jordan. Look I don't know what happened between them but Leah looks so uncomfortable right now and she's only doing it to protect me so we just need to get her out of it.
Beth: But what about you being with Betty?
Abi: I'll be fine I can handle it plus she can't do anything with so many people around so I'll be fine. Now what about Leah?
Beth: I have an idea watch this (walks off) hey Jordan I know we aren't meant to but do you think you could swap partners with me it's just I've fallen out with Viv and really don't want to put up with her.
Jordan: Yeah I guess sure. I'll see you later Leah. (Walks off)
Beth: Leah are you ok did you do anything to you?
Leah: Yeah but I'll be fine where's Abi?
Beth: Over there (points) what did she do to you Leah?
Leah: What is she doing with Betty and it doesn't matter about me right now.
Beth: We tried but she said she could handle it and that we just had to save you. Now what did she do to you please tell me.
Leah: (lifts shorts up her legs a bit and then rolls her sleeves up) this but I'm fine I just need to keep an eye on Abi.
Beth: Leah come here (hugs Leah) they're quite bad I think we need to get them strapped up so they don't get infected.
Leah: No no I'm fine but we should probably start what we're meant to be doing. (Never taking her eyes off Abi)
Beth's pov:
I don't know what to do I mean I know not all those new cuts are from Jordan but I don't want to push her. It's really hard with Abi and Leah because they are only worried about the other one and not themselves but they both need to be worried about themselves as well. I can see all of us keeping an eye on Abi but it hurts and worries me that if anything happened we might not be able to help. We just finished our workout and now it's time for lunch but Leah just sits down and doesn't move. Abi sees and runs over to her.
*end of pov*
Abi: Leah what's wrong are you ok?
Leah: Yeah just not hungry and don't want to eat.
Abi: You need to eat bubs. But at least please come to the canteen just to sit there with everyone. (Notices some cuts on her leg but doesn't want to push)
Leah: No I'm just going to stay here.
Abi: Then I'm staying too bubs I'm not hungry either.
We just sat there for ages in silence and it was very peaceful and nice I was just holding Leah in my arms despite a protest I could see she needed it badly. I needed a hug too but that can wait I need to look after Leah now.
*Ten minutes later*
Leah: Right let's go before we're late shall we?
Abi: If you're sure you're feeling ok bubs.
Leah: I'm fine stop worrying about me.
Abi: You know I can't do that but let's go.
Leah: Ok bubs but can I talk to you after training?
Abi: Of course you can.
Leah's pov:
I need to tell Abi everything but I just know how hard that's going to be because of what it is but she deserves to know. But I can't think about that for now because we still have more training today.
Jonas: Right the same partners as this morning and no changing this time. Beth I'm looking at you when I say this.
Jordan: Looks like it's us together today isn't it?
Leah: Do what you want to me just don't hurt Abi she doesn't deserve it.
We then go and start training but something doesn't feel right. Not right at all.

A/n: Hope you enjoy this one should get another part out today if not in the morning tomorrow as always let me know what you think.

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