Part 25. Abi's flashback.

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*On the phone*
Alessia: Hey Abs how come you weren't at training today?
Abi: Oh I'm not feeling great got a bit of a cold, Betty thought it would be better not to push myself.
Alessia: Oh ok, do you want me to come and check on you? I can bring some snacks if you want.
Abi: No it's fine don't worry, Betty said she'll get me anything if I need it.
Alessia: Ok well call me if you need anything, love you sis and I'll see you at training when you feel better.
Abi: Ok bye love you
Alessia: Love you *hangs up*

The truth is, I do want Lessi to come round, I need a hug from my sister but that can't happen, Betty only lets me go to training, I never see my family anymore, not that they care in the slightest. But I really need to be with Lessi but I can't tell her anything that Betty is doing because that would not end well.

Betty: Who was that?
Abi: Just Lessi asking if I was ok because I wasn't at training.
Betty: And what exactly did you tell her?
Abi: That I had a bit of a cold and that you thought it would be better if I didn't push myself.
Betty: Ok well done, now what are you making me for dinner?
Abi: What would you like?
Betty: Pasta bake
Abi: Ok I'll go start making that for you now.
Betty: Good.

I walk into the kitchen and start to cook, I really need to start standing up for myself more but I know that Betty is stronger than me and I know she could do things to other people like Lessi or Ella and I don't want them getting hurt.

*20 minutes later*
Abi: Betty your food is ready.
Betty: Well bring it in here for me then, and make sure you don't have any
Abi: Of course not.
Betty: Ok so Alessia just text me saying that she was worried about you so she is coming round, so you say anything and I'll hurt both her and Ella as well.
Abi: Please don't they haven't done anything, I mean neither have I.
Betty: Don't you dare speak to me like that *slaps Abi around the face and punches her in the face as well* I will do what I want.
*20 minutes later*
*There's a knock at the door*
Abi: Hey Lessi.
Alessia: Hey Abs, how are you feeling?
Abi: Much better thanks, think I should be back for the next training.
Alessia: Good to hear, I brought you some of your favourite snacks and stuff, thought you might like it.
Abi: Thanks Lessi love you.
Alessia: Of course, anything for you.

Alessia's pov:
I got to Abi's and I can immediately tell she hasn't got a cold, but I also do know that there is something else wrong, when she opened the door I noticed a cut across her cheek and her face was just very red, almost like someone had slapped her, I need to make sure I ask her about that later.

Betty: Right I just need to go and see someone for a bit, I'll be back soon ok.
Abi: Ok see you soon.
Betty: Bye babe, bye Alessia.
*Betty leaves so it is just Abi and Lessi*
Alessia: Are you two ok?
Abi: Yeah of course we are, why wouldn't we be ok?
Alessia: Just checking, because you have a big cut across your cheek that looks quite deep and fresh and is starting to bleed a lot and you look like you've been slapped across the face by someone.
Abi: *Just looks down*
Alessia: Please Abs, if she's doing stuff like this to you then you need to tell me so I can help you.
Abi: *wobbly* Well she's not ok, how could you accuse her of that?
Alessia: You better not be lying to me Abs.
*just then Alessia gets a message*

Ella 🫶🏻
Ella: Hey Lessi I know you've gone to see Abs but I really don't think you should leave her with Betty. x
Alessia: Why? Do you know something Ella?
Ella: I'm not 100% sure but the other day at training you know they went off, well I heard Betty shouting at Abi for something like talking to Mary or being too close to her or something, and then there was a lot of crying and I'm pretty sure Betty was hitting her.
Alessia: Ella are you certain?
Ella: Yes, yes I am.
Alessia: Ok I'm going to try and get her out, I'll bring her back to ours.
Ella: Ok good luck, I'll see you soon. Love you x
*End of messages*
Alessia: You're coming with me Abs.
Abi: What no, I have to stay here with Betty.
Alessia: Well Ella needs you so you need to come back to mine with me for tonight.
Abi: Umm ok I guess.
*you and Alessia get your shoes on and then get ready to leave*

Abi's pov:
I know that I will be in a lot of trouble with Betty for this later but if Ella needs me then it's ok, I'd do anything for Ella or Lessi.

*In the car*
Alessia: So are you ready to talk yet?
Abi: What do you mean?
Alessia: Oh come on, you didn't seriously believe that something was wrong with Ella did you?
Abi: Yes I did Less, I was worried, really worried because you wouldn't say what was up.
Alessia: Well I'm sorry but I had to get you away from her.
Abi: *wobbly* What do you mean?
Alessia: Ella heard some stuff the other day at training and I mean your face says it all, like look that cut is so deep and it's opened up again, you have blood all down your face.
Abi: *wipes her face and then just looks down, they've just got to Less'* Please can I just have a hug, I'll talk later.
Alessia: Of course, now come on let's get you inside and I'll clean up that cut for you.
Abi: Thanks Lessi, I love you.
Alessia: Love you too Abs.

A/n: And I'm back, so sorry for the wait but I've been having quite a hard time but I think I'm back to myself now. but please don't be annoyed if my posts are still a bit irregular.

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