3. A new start

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Leah's pov:
I heard the car pull up so I got up and went to the door to help Abi with her stuff.
Leah: Hi guys (in head) woah she's rlly cute.
Abi: Hey Leah thank you again for letting me stay with you again.
Leah: Oh it's no worries should be fun (she winks at Abi)
Abi:(blushes a little)
Leah: Anyway let's get your stuff inside.
*after all of Abis' stuff is in her new room*
Less: Hey we have to go Marc's put in a random training session later but I'll call you later ok Abi.
Abi: Ok less I'll see you soon, love ya! (They hug) bye ells (they hug).
Leah: (After Less and Ella have left) So what would you like to do?
Abi: I'm going to go unpack if that's ok.
Leah: Of course it's ok you can do what you like and also would you like any help unpacking?
Abi: No but thank you for offering.
Leah: That's ok anything for you, I'll start dinner, pasta bake ok.
Abi: Yeah sounds amazing thanks.
Leah: (under breath) not as amazing as you.
Abi: What?
Leah: Oh nothing don't worry. I'll call you down when it's ready.
*about half an hour later*
Leah: (knocks on Abi's door)
Abi: come in.
Leah: It's ready when you want it.
Abi: Ok thank you again coming down now.
Leah: (while eating) You unpacked?
Abi: Yeah all done.
Leah: Ok would you like to watch a film or play fifa or something like that?
Abi: Yeah how about a film?
Leah: Sounds good with me, what do you want to watch?
Abi: I don't mind you can choose.
Leah: Ok let me think hmmmmm horror.
Abi: (reluctantly) yeah ok.
*about half an hour into the film*
Abi:(gets scared and jumps)
Leah: you ok beau- I mean Abi.
Abi: (not thinking anything of it) yeah.
Leah: no you're not come here I've got you.
*Abi and Leah end up falling asleep holding eachother*
I woke up the next morning at like 5 but I was shocked as I was still being held by the cute blonde. Like what does this mean, she initiated it but there's no way she likes me back I mean just look at her. Which she caught me doing as she woke up.
Leah: Take a picture it'll last longer. (Chuckles)
Abi: What do you mean.
Leah: (in head) oh shit does she not like me I might of fucked up here. (Out loud) Oh nothing anyway what's the time?
Abi: Half 7.
Leah: Ok we need to get up and get to training.
Abi: Ok I'll come down when I'm ready.
*10 minutes later*
Leah: Ready to get to your first arsenal training session?
Abi: Not really I'm very nervous what if they don't like me?
Leah: come here (hugs Abi) if they have any sense they'll love you just as much as I do. Ok let's go and if they don't like you or you don't feel comfortable stick by me.
I love her so so much. I think I should tell her how I feel but I can't stand the feeling when she doesn't like me back.
*At training*
Jonas: Right hello girls we have a new signing starting today so can everyone give her a warm welcome to Abi Russo.
*everyone says hi and you get out onto the pitch*
Leah: Hey cutie how you feeling now?
Abi: Cutie? And a bit better now thanks.
Leah: are you not comfortable with me calling you that cause I can stop if you want.
Abi: No I love it but only if I can call you gorgeous.
Leah: of course you can cutie and can I ask you something after training?
Abi: Ok gorgeous I'll see you in a bit I've got to go over there.
*After training*
Abi: You said you wanted to ask something gorgeous.
Leah: Oh yeah umm would I be able to take you out tonight?
Abi: Of course you can gorgeous I can't wait.
Leah: ok cutie let's get home and get ready?
Abi: Yes let's!
Beth: Ok lovebirds bye then.
Abi: what do you mean lovebirds!
Beth: Oh nothing (chuckles)
*back at home and you're ready*
Leah: (In head) wow she's so stunning (out loud) you ready.
Abi: yeah can't wait (in head) woah she's so fit.

A/n: hope you're enjoying it and I'm going o try and get another one out tonight if not it'll be tomorrow.

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