𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺 𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵

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"Charlie! I can't find my camera, have you seen it?" I shout to Charlie who's in the bathroom getting ready, it's graduation....

Already....I'm finished high school today.

His parents are downstairs with Jane, I begged Natalie to come over so she should be here soon...it definitely took a lot of begging...

"It's fine, you don't need it. I have my phone and mom has a camera." Charlie says coming out of the bathroom fixing his hair.

I fix my pink dress, it has puffy short sleeves, it's long...but not too long if that makes sense and it's a light shade of pink, I also curled my hair and Charlie done my makeup. I of course wore the pearl necklace Natalie bought me and my pink heels.

I grab my purse as I hear the doorbell ringing.

"God, we grew up fast. Didn't we?" Charlie smiles, I nod smiling as I walk quickly over to him hugging him.

"I know, I wouldn't be here without you, Charlie bear. I love you."

"I love you, chicken. Now come on." He takes my hand and I lean back as we walk over towards the door.

We walk out to the hall.

I squeeze his hand as we walk down the stairs, Natalie's talking to Cindy. Jane is talking to Charlie's dad.

"Ah! Look at you two!" Cindy looks at us clapping her hands, excitedly.

"Oh, stop it." Charlie waves his hand smiling.

"They grow up too fast." Jane crosses her arms and I smile. I look to Natalie and she just smiles at me, she's wearing a black suit. A button up black shirt. She curled her hair, it's more wavy but she has it to one side and she's wearing her usual dark red lipstick. She looks...very very...pretty.

"Hi." I say to her squeezing Charlie's hand and he takes his hand away from mine bumping my shoulder.

"Got you a little something....I didn't forget about you either." She hands me a bouquet of daisies, pink roses. Baby's breath and more, she hands Charlie a bouquet too. Aww.

"That's adorable." Charlie says and she nods smiling.

"I have my moments." She says and I quickly wrap my arms around her. She puts her hand on my lower back whispering.

"You look gorgeous."

"Keep it pg." Charlie comments and I smile pulling back.

"Photo time!" Cindy says. Charlie groans and Jane takes our bouquets as I pull back from Natalie. I go beside Charlie as Cindy holds up her camera.

We both smile and she takes a few photos, the flash hurting my eyes.

"Jane, get in." Cindy tells Jane and Jane moves beside me. Cindy takes more photos...at least ten.

"Okay...you get in with Diana." Cindy says to Natalie and Natalie looks to me.

"I don't-"

"Oh come on." I smile holding out my hand and she sighs walking over as Charlie and Jane go out of frame.

"Why are you social distancing? Just get closer." Charlie says and Natalie snorts.

"I don't know if you noticed, but I'm not supposed to be within six feet of her." Natalie tells him and he rolls his eyes.

"You two literally hugged."

"Are you trying to catch evidence for me to go to jail?" She asks him and Jane leans back against the wall.

"I'd prefer if we didn't bring up the whole illegal thing..." I comment and Cindy sighs.

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