𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺 𝘴𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯

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-Diana's POV-

"Charlie." I whisper as I lay next to Charlie.

"Hm?" He hums, I'm guessing he's half asleep.

"Do you know the way that graduation is literally in a couple of days?"

"What about it?" He mumbles.

"Would you...um, would you come to see my mom with me?" I ask him as I stare at the ceiling, he turns over. I turn my head looking at him.

"Are you sure? It could trigger something-"

"Yeah, I've been think about since Christmas, I think I'd just like to see her. Just once, say what I need to say." I tell him and he nods.

"Of course, I'll go with you."

"I'm going to tell Danielle, so she can just give her a heads up."

"Are you going to ask Natalie to go?"

"No. I just want you there. I told Natalie I'd go to her place that night. She's doing this whole dinner thing for me, she's cooking." I smile. Charlie begins giggling...like a child.

"What?" I ask him.

"Oh, nothing." He turns over, what...

"No, tell me. What is it?"

"I was just talking to her when you got the Yale results."


"Nothing. I'm not saying anything, so go to sleep." He tells me and I lay back with a huff.

✺ ✺ ✺

I walk through the city, linking arms with Charlie. He's trying to find cologne, a new one specifically for graduation. I need to get a little purse maybe, Jane invited beck, Paige and Danielle to graduation. They are all going, except Paige's kids; Brynn, Laya and Blair. My cousins Nova and Jonah are coming though, Joaquin isn't because he has something..I'm not sure what because I didn't ask.

"Gonna buy any lingerie for that date with Natalie?" He bumps my hip and I roll my eyes.


"Oh my god, come on. I know what you are buying though." He pulls my hand quickly, I almost trip as always trying to keep up with him. He stops near the end of the street, a shop that doesn't look like I belong in there.

"What is this?"

"The pleasure factory." He shrugs pulling me inside, it's a sex toy shop. I start giving out but stop once he starts talking to a woman.

"I need a toy."

"What kind, sweetie?" She asks him walking around the counter, I do not belong in here.

"A strap on." Charlie says and I almost choke. I elbow him as she begins walking through the store, he looks to me smiling. I shake my head trying to walk backwards but he tightens his link around my arm.

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