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I wake up with Diana close beside me, my hand on her waist.

That's new.

She breathes lightly and for some weird reason I look at her sleep for a second, she looks so peaceful. I'm assuming that she dreams about rainbows and wonderland every night.

I move the strand of hair out of her face, I run my thumb along her cheek. She's pale, I wonder if she gets a tan during the summer or if she just gets burned. I only now notice her light freckles, they are so light that they are barely visible, just on her cheeks. I've never had a thing for blondes. Until her...well I never...liked a blonde until now, I've always had a thing for red heads or brunettes. I would describe her hair as a perfect blonde, its light and soft. It's past her shoulders.

She lets out a soft breath before her eyes open slowly, I freeze and she looks up at me squinting a little.

"Hi." She smiles. I fight the smile, I can't fight the kiss though. God I'm becoming clingy to her and I don't like it.

She kisses me back putting her hand on the back of my neck. I pull back slowly.

"Good morning." I say but it comes out a soft whisper, I clear my throat. That's disgusting.

"Good morning, happy birthday." She says.

"Thanks." I lay back for a second, I don't want to get up. I was watching her sleep. God, that's weird.

She sits up, we both slept naked...Things happened and I suppose we fell asleep afterwards and forgot to get dressed. I'm sleeping naked with her now.

"Did you sleep alright?" I make conversation, what a conversation to make.

"...Yeah, did you?" She glances back at me, I look at her for too long. I look away. What the fuck.

"I slept fine...I need to use the bathroom." I get up. I don't need to tell her that I'm going to the bathroom.

"I um....I didn't bring extra clothes, could I just borrow a shirt and sweatpants? I'll give them back, I promise." The blanket falls and I glance down before looking away nodding.

"Yes, do." I walk into the bathroom locking the door. I run my hand through my hair before looking in the mirror seeing a hickey on my neck, she likes to leave marks. I go to the toilet.

I go back to my bedroom and she put on one of my favourite oversized shirts, my black fleetwood Mac rumours shirt along with some grey sweat pants. She put her hair back in a little bun.

I go to my closet ignoring her as I grab a red shirt and sweat pants. I hear the front door opening downstairs and talking.

"Are you okay?" She asks me as I put on my clothes.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I glance at her before looking away.

"You aren't looking at me like you usually do, you're avoiding my eye." She says looking a little confused and honestly upset, she's making me feel bad and I don't feel bad.

"Did I do something?" She adds scratching her neck and I shake my head. I can't let her be upset for fuck sake.

"No, I guess I didn't sleep as good as I thought I did." I walk past her out of the bedroom, she follows closely behind. I stop at the top of the stairs when I see...my siblings along with Tatum and Maria at the door. They all look at me then past me.

"What are you all doing here?" I sigh walking down.

"Happy birthday!..." Camila cheers before stopping and looking at the others, whose eyes are on Diana.

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