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"Come on, Di. The drive is long enough." I hear Jane shout up the stairs as I quickly put my red lipstick on, it's early. Usually Jane lets me sleep in for Christmas but we are going to my aunts house, out of town almost a two hour drive.

I decided to wear a black long sleeved shirt under my red dungaree dress along with tights and I just picked out black boots to wear too. I curled my hair and put half of it back with a little red bow.

"Coming!" I mumble as I put the lipstick in my little red purse, Sadie is coming too. Jane put the presents in the boot of her Suv, including mine and hers.

I quickly leave my bedroom running down the stairs as Jane lets Sadie run outside, she won't run away. Sadie starts barking and Jane shushes her.

I spoke to Natalie on the phone last night, I called her because I just wanted to talk since I haven't seen her in the last few days. She's been busy. But we've been texting constantly, I look down at my phone as I get into the car. I put my seat belt on.

Merry Christmas 🎅🎄

Merry Christmas to you too, how come you're up so early?

Going to my aunts house, most of my family is...I haven't seen most of them in years.

Oh the joys of Christmas, family dinner.

Are you going over to your parents?

No, I am not. Ellie isn't either, I bought her presents and I'll make a small dinner not a big one.

That sounds fun.

Yes well I'll talk to you later. Merry Christmas again, darling.

You too. :)

I smile turning off my phone dropping it on my lap as Jane starts the car.

"Who was that?" Jane asks.

"Nobody." I shrug smiling as I look out the window.

"Hey, you have to tell me." She smiles and I continue to shrug.

✺ ✺ ✺

Jane opens the boot of the car which is parked in the big driveway of my Aunt Danielle's house. It's a huge house.

I take two bags as Jane takes one walking up the drive and up to steps. Jane opens to door, I get a whiff of cinnamon as she does. As we step inside I nearly gasp at the house, two sets of stairs, between them is an opening to the living room I'm guessing as I can see the big Christmas tree. Dark brown, wooden floors.

My grandma sees me and gasps.

"Oh my god, you are the image of your m-"

"Can you help me with the presents, mom?" Jane cuts her off immediately, my grandma ignores Jane coming over to me putting her hands on my shoulders. I haven't seen her since I was fifteen. She hasn't changed. She still dyes her hair brown, to get rid of the grey. The same blue eyes as me and my mom. She's tall though and thin along with that she has a tan which I don't.

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