Chapter 27: Getting Better

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Violet's POV:

"And you will meet people who are safer loved from a distance and dangerous to have up close. Like the flames you loved as a child. Like the fire that taught you pain." – Nikita Gill

I knew Lola would be at my apartment but I was done hiding and avoiding it. I couldn't avoid her forever. So instead I sucked it up and went back. I stood in my living room and she stood across from me, neither of us saying anything, both of just staring at each other.

"Vi, I..." She finally spoke and the tears came down her cheeks fast, like they'd been held back for too many days. "I'm so sorry," she croaked, brushing the tears away. "I can't believe I said that to you. I'm so sorry."

I said nothing, just held out my hand. She stared at my hand in confusion but the confusion only lasted a moment before guilt took over. I wasn't completely sure I was right about what her problem was but the look on her face in that moment told me I was definitely right.

"I didn't make you break up with Grant," I said calmly. "I told you he was a jerk and you made that decision. I didn't make you do anything and it's ridiculously unfair for you to claim I made you do anything, or use that as an excuse to throw my past in my face. Hand it over," I said, holding out my hand.

"I don't hav-" She started but I interrupted.

"Don't fucking lie to me," I snapped. "Don't you dare lie to me. Not after you accused me of hiding things from you when you were the one hiding. Hand it over."

She sighed and more tears came out as she stood there trying to decide. Eventually she walked over to the couch and dug into her purse, pulling out a bag with white powder in it. It took way too much effort for her to place that bag in my hand. I didn't judge her for it, I really didn't. I understood that horrible urge to find a way to numb your pain and she had a pain at least vaguely similar to mine. It wasn't exactly the same, but it was three cunts that decided to drug her at fourteen years old. So yeah, I would never judge her for trying to numb that pain.

"Is this it?" I asked, watching her carefully. She nodded and I narrowed my eyes. She was lying to me. She sighed and dug into her purse again, handing me a bottle with pills in it. "Now is that really it?"

"Yes," she muttered, avoiding my eyes. At least she was finally being honest.

"Were you high on both that day?"

"Yes," she said even quieter. "I took the pills before we left then... Then the cocaine in the bathroom."

"How long?" I asked, heading to the bathroom, tucking the bag with white powder in my pocket. I couldn't flush that. The pills I could flush, but not the cocaine. I'd have to dispose of it properly after I got her out of here.

"Three months," she whispered, following after me.

I opened the bottle with the pills and dumped the contents into the toilet before flushing it, dropping the empty bottle in the trash and turning to her with crossed arms. "What happened?"

"I was just going through some stuff," she said, not looking at me. "Grant got me started again," she muttered. "And I was going through a rough patch so I gave in."

"You still are," I noted. She'd done a damn good job of hiding it but I should've known. I always knew when she ran back to that. I hadn't been paying enough attention this time. My thoughts were a muddled mess and unfortunately a lot of them revolved around Kaden.

She simply shrugged. I sighed and pulled out my phone, finding Jen's number. I got it ready to call so all she had to do was hit one button. I held it out and she paled.

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