Chapter 4: Drained

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Violet's POV:

"He was a dangerous sin, wrapped in angelic eyes; it made my heart pound with distrust and my mind cloud with bewilderment."- A.L. Nash

From the moment I saw him in that grocery store, I could not stop thinking about him or those blue eyes. I hadn't been that taken with anyone since grade school but really not even then. It wasn't me, to be so attracted to someone that fast. I was attracted to personalities, not looks. Even attraction at all took some time. In the looks department he was so not my type. The dirty blonde hair, blue eye, happy, jock-looking thing was far from my type. And yet...There was something about him. Eyes I could get lost in. Something in those eye seemed familiar. It was like I'd seen them before but I couldn't place where.

It wasn't just that. It was also the way he seemed to have a kindness to him that made me feel drawn in. It was a ridiculously strong emotion to have from a few seconds of eye contact, which was why I bolted out of the coffee shop earlier today. I didn't think I'd see him again.

But there he was and he was just as beautiful as my mind kept replaying in my head. So way far out of my league it was ridiculous. Except he was staring at me again, that kind smile forming on his face.

"I remember you from the coffee shop," Lola said, nudging me and nodding to him.

It broke me of the spell and I tore my gaze away, shaking my head. What was wrong with me? Why was he here? My eyes widened at Lola's playful tone and I glanced over at her. "You invited him didn't you?" I whispered.

She shrugged and focused her attention on him and his friends. "I'm Lola. This is Violet," Lola introduced, gesturing back to me.

Our eyes met again and my heart started racing. He said hi to Lola then offered his hand to me but then quickly pulled it back, smiling sheepishly. Oh fucking hell, that was a cute smile.

"Kaden," he introduced.

Kaden. That was a nice name. He didn't stop looking at me and I couldn't look away from him.

"Ahem," Lola said, clearing her throat.

I glanced over and three people were looking at Kaden and I with amused expressions. Lola, and Kaden's two friends. Fuck, I hated people staring at me.

"Sorry, what?" I asked, feeling my cheeks heat up.

"This is Xander, Tess's other friend," Lola said, giving me a knowing smile.

I glanced over at him and he was more what my usual type was. Dark clothes, dark hair, not overly cheerful. Except for whatever reason, he was not the one I wanted to be looking at right now.

"Uh, hi. Nice to meet you," I said, sticking my hands in my back pockets.

"You too," Xander nodded.

"So... Video games?" Kaden asked, his eyes coming to me.

Dear God. Every time he looked at me, I felt way more emotions than I should. I didn't even know him. Fuck, I was absolutely not sitting down here with him. There was no way.

"Knock yourselves out," I said, inclining my head to the stairs. "I have to make an appearance at another party on campus."

"How is it possible that someone so antisocial has so many appearances to make?" Lola sighed. "What is it now?"

"Physics is having a thing," I shrugged. "It's no big deal, I just have to stop in."

"Well it's on campus, let's just go then come back," Lola said, linking her arm with mine.

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