Chapter 54: Surprises

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"Her hips moved like waves on the ocean, undulating wildly as I plunged deep into her waters. She was sweet, wet and refreshing. I gasped for air as I drowned in her high seas."- Onur Taskiran

Violet felt distant, which was strange because she wasn't distant at all in affection. Our bond felt distanced, but throughout the entire drive, she was right up on me, leaning against me. We were always touching in some way, but she felt so far away. I tried to ask her but all I got was that she had a long day, she wasn't happy about the incident in the lab, she just had a lot of stuff on her plate.

I asked her what was on her plate and I knew she wasn't telling me all of it when she said it was a combination of work and school stuff. Pushing it was an option and I tried but only so hard. I decided against pushing either of the things we needed to discuss until we were back at her apartment and not in a moving car.

Plus, she effectively distracted me when I tried to push it earlier. The memory of that had me taking in a deep breath, hoping she wouldn't notice my body was responding just thinking about us in the parking structure earlier.

She got back to the car and something was wrong. I could tell. She was bothered, anxious, scared. All those emotions were coming through the bond and they got even stronger when she leaned over and greeted me with a kiss, thanked me for being patient and then sat back in her seat, her leg bouncing up and down again like it had on the car ride up. I tried to ask her, I tried to push more than I usually did, but calling myself weak for her was an understatement.

She had all the control with us. All of it. Part of me wondered if I should be worried how unbalanced it was, but I couldn't seem to care when she climbed onto my lap, straddled and kissed me.

"I'm just anxious about everything," she murmured against my lips, her fingers pushing back through my hair as she leaned down, her lips brushing against my ear as she whispered. "Distract me, Kaden."

It was funny she thought I was distracting her, when she was definitely the one distracting me. She rolled her hips down against me and I groaned, wrapping my arms around her waist and kissing her back. Her hands roamed down my chest and she tilted her head back when I moved my lips down to her neck. I found a sensitive spot beneath her ear that had her moaning and fisting my shirt, so I gave it more attention. I sucked on her skin, my hands sliding down to her ass, enjoying probably a little too much the way her skin turned red under the sucking. It was the closest I was getting to marking her as mine. For now, at least.

She moaned and rocked against me, her hands going under my shirt and up to my chest. "Kaden," she breathed, opening her eyes just barely as her tongue darted out, wetting her lips and making me groan. Did she even understand how sexy she was to me?

I slid my hand behind her head and pulled her into a kiss. It didn't matter we'd been on and off kissing all day, somehow a kiss like that, in the middle of intimacy, it made our bond explode with life. I could feel her, scared an anxious, concerned and confused, but I could also feel her reaching for me, desperately clinging onto me and sucking me in with her until we were both lost in a fevered haze of desire.

I reached down between us and I swore I could feel her in my head, telling me not to stop as I undid her jeans and slipped my hand under both her jeans and underwear. She gasped and rocked against my hand as slipped my fingers down along her pussy. She was so wet for me so fast, I could smell it before I touched her but feeling it hit different and my cock twitched.

"Fuck," I said, pulling her back into a kiss as I circled her clit. "You feel amazing."

"Maybe you should feel more then," she murmured against my lips, wrapping her hand around my wrist and pulling it out of her pants. I was worried for a second that I misread, but then she maneuvered around until she was sitting back against me, her ass on my lap and back to my chest while she shimmied her jeans and underwear down to her mid-thighs.

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