Epliogue Part 1:

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Two months later...

Violet's POV:

I gripped his arm, strong and wrapped around my chest as he sunk into me from behind. "Kaden," I breathed, a small whimper escaping at the end.

We woke up like we often did, with him spooning me, still undressed from the previous night. We took advantage of the position and the lack of clothes immediately after waking up.

"Violet," Kaden panted against my neck, kissing along my mark and pushing me over the edge.

I tensed around him, moaning as I came. He groaned and sunk inside me, his arm over my chest tightening while his arm around my waist pulled me more against him, pushing him deeper as he came.

If you two could maybe leave the bedroom for two seconds, you might remember we have a meeting this morning. The link came to Kaden, but our connection allowed me to hear Xander's words as well.

I sighed. Kaden sighed.

"Why do we have to have responsibilities?" He grumbled, nuzzling against my mark.

"Something about being an adult," I sighed. "I don't know, it's bull shit though."

"Agreed," Kaden said, rolling me onto my back and hovering over me. "Good morning, beautiful."

"Good morning, stalker," I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck and bringing his lips down to mine.

He groaned in the kiss and lowered his body onto mine. Despite the fact we just finished, it made my heart race. Xander might've had a point. We couldn't keep our hands off each other.

"If we stay like this, we're missing the meeting and literally everything else today," I warned.

He grumbled again and lifted off me, pouting down at me. God, he was so fucking cute, I couldn't get enough of it.

"The sooner we get it done, the sooner we get to come back," I tried.

"Bet," he said, jumping off the bed and moving faster than my eyes could even keep up.

I wasn't sure how, but we both ended up dressed and I was set back on the bed, wondering if I'd ever seen him move so fast. "Wow." It was all I could get out.

"Get it over with," Kaden said, gesturing to the door. "I want you to myself. This is your fault, you know. If you weren't so smart, no one would need you, and we could stay here forever."

"That's funny," I said, raising an eyebrow and rising from the bed. "I could've sworn you had a title that implied responsibility of some kind. Was it..." I tapped my chin, slowly making my way towards him. "Oh yeah, Beta. Kind of important. If it's anyone's fault, it's yours. You brought me here."

"Let's not argue over whose fault is what," Kaden said, pulling me against him and dropping his lips to mine. "Let's just get it done and then come right back."

We agreed on that. It was a great idea in theory, but it required execution. Neither of us executed it. I ended up on the kitchen table with him moving in and out of me again. Another link from Xander kept us from a third time, though.

Well, it did at first. Then we got distracted on our walk to the pack house. We may have had sex against a tree. It was new for me, maybe not ideal as a bad, but I wasn't complaining.

The disapproving look we got from Xander and Addie when we finally showed up after they started had us both smiling sheepishly and sitting quietly in our seats. Kaden's hand stayed on my thigh, though. He did that a lot. I was kind of completely in love with it. And everything he did. And him.

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