Chapter 28: Self-Defense

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Kaden's POV:

"Oh but that's the irony, broken people are not fragile." – Clinton Sammy Jr

I knew Violet was already at the party when we got there. I could smell her. Tess and Addie followed behind me as I traced her scent through the crowds and down some stairs. There was a door left only a crack open and that's where I found her, sitting at a piano with a girl standing nearby.

I opened the door and the three of us stepped inside quietly as she started playing. Neither of them seemed to notice as we leaned back against the wall. The song started slow and seemed mellow until all the sudden it was anything but mellow.

My eyes widened as her fingers flew across the keys even more fluidly than they had over the guitar strings. It wasn't even like she was trying, it was more like it was just second nature to her, an inherent thing. She played with so much passion I could feel it, even without our bond I could've felt it.

"Holy shit," Addie gaped.

"Goddess, she's unreal," Tess said, shaking her head.

It was true. She played it like it was nothing, like her fingers weren't moving faster than I'd ever seen someone play, like it wasn't the most impressive thing I'd ever seen. The longer the song went on, the more relaxed she seemed to get, a small smile forming on her face as she played. It was another one of those moments of peace, where the pain subsided a little.

Music was her happy place, I realized. When she sang and played with Alek, now, it eased something in her. She was even more lost in it than she'd been with the guitar, like it was a part of her, coming from deep inside of her.

We would have to get a piano because I could listen to and watch her play forever.

The song ended too soon and I had to remind myself breathing was a normal thing, as was blinking. I couldn't help it. Listening to her play was like getting lost in another world, a better world.

The girl clapped and shook her head. "Still got it, Vi," she said, patting Violet's back. "Rusty, my ass."

"I am rusty, I don't get to practice for hours like you do," Violet said, turning towards the girl. It was at that moment she saw us and her eyes went wide. "Uh, hi," she greeted, her cheeks flushing red. "How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to weep from listening to you play," Tess said, raising an eyebrow. "Damn, girl. That was beautiful."

"Thanks," she said, biting her lip and darting her eyes away. My mate was not great at accepting compliments.

"Um, hey," the girl said, waving. "I'm Riley."

"Right, sorry," Violet said, standing up. "This is Riley. It's her party," Violet said, waving to Riley. "That's Kaden and Tess and..." her eyes darted to Addie who was still staring at her with wide eyes but then snapped out of it and smiled.

"I'm Addie," Addie said, gesturing to herself. "Xander's better half."

"Oh," Violet said, her lips tugging in a smile. "Nice to meet you."

"You too," Addie nodded. "And you, Riley. Your house is lovely."

"Oh, thanks but it's not mine," Riley said, waving her hand dismissively. "It's my parent's but they aren't here so," she shrugged. "Let's get you guys some drinks, huh? I just had to get my old music partner playing something for me," she said, nudging Violet with her shoulder.

"You guys used to play together?" I asked, looking between them.

"Yep. Years ago," Riley said, linking her arm through Violet's. "We could've conquered the world."

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