Chapter 62: Packs

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Violet's POV:

"Until you step into the unknown, you don't know what you're made of." – Roy T. Bennet

There couldn't be anything weirder than telling your sort of boyfriend's Alpha- because they were werewolves- that someone was after you. The only way I could think to describe Max without making the rest of the story obvious was to say he was a dangerous, obsessive stalker that dabbled in criminal activity so had a lot of people looking for me and a lot of guns.

Xander and Kane did the best at keeping a poker face. Everyone else- because yes, to make it better, a lot of them ended up standing out there with me to hear the version of the story I could stand to tell- looked horrified when I said it. A man I met years ago was obsessed with me, killed thoughtlessly, killed my mother, would go to any extreme to get to me, now knew who my closest friend was and wanted to use him to get me back.

"The best way to handle this, given Kaden's condition, is for you to stay with him," Kane said to Xander. "Hunter and I will take Violet to get Alek and Dimitri, then we'll bring them all back to Blackstone."

"I need at least one of my pack there," Xander said, shaking his head. "I'll be on edge if not."

"I'll go," Felipe offered.

Great, all men.

"I appreciate the offer, but Gina." Xander nodded to Gina and she sat up straighter. "I'd like you to go if you're up for it."

"Yes, Alpha," Gina said, bowing her head.

My gaze snapped to Xander. He didn't even look my way as he typed on his phone. Probably keeping Addie updated like he'd been the whole time. He and I spent a lot of time butting heads but... It was almost like he knew. That I needed someone else there. That it being all men would be hard for me. I felt like I was going insane because I swore I felt something around him, Cassie, Renzo, Gina, Felipe. All the ones that were in Kaden's pack. Like I was connected to them and that's why I felt Xander had Gina take Felipe's place, because he could feel my tension and knew it would help. Or I was overthinking it because if he did notice and suggested Gina for my sake, he didn't show it.

"All right." Xander sighed and put his phone away, running his hand through his hair. "I hate splitting up but I don't see a better way to do this. Violet, I'm going to be texting you for updates on Kaden and I want updates on you in return," he said, looking at me seriously. "I don't expect details, but I need to know you're okay. Fair?"

"Okay." My voice was quiet because I was a little confused. They all seemed so genuinely concerned about me and it was... Strange. I wasn't used to more than maybe one or two people giving a shit if I was okay and here I had two whole vans full. It didn't add up, but neither did werewolves being real. The only thing that made sense was they cared because I mattered to Kaden.

"We won't have to separate right away," Hunter said as he and Renzo had a map opened on the hood of the car. "You said the safehouse is here?" Hunter pressed a finger to the map.

Moving closer, I leaned over and nodded to the right. "A little over, but yeah."

"We'll be on the same highways until we have to exit, then," Renzo said. "We won't separate for a couple hours, depending on how fast we drive."

"How fast you drive," Hunter countered, elbowing Renzo. "You drive like a grandpa."

Grandpa? Renzo was going twenty over the speed limit the entire time. I was a little afraid while he was driving, I just didn't say it.

"Hey, I have a sick patient in the car," Renzo defended.

"So you'll get Alek and Dimitri, tell them about us so they don't freak when they see wolves running around, then head straight for Blackstone," Xander said. Kane nodded. "Good, just take them to the guest house. We'll have it ready."

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