Chapter 56: Crossing A Line

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Chase's POV:

"Thinking of you is a poison I drink often." Atticus

Whatever the fuck Kaden did to gain Violet's trust had to be big, because she was not stupid. Jackie may have told her she was on her own and we wouldn't be there, but it was a lie. We were sitting outside her apartment, watching the stairs for any movement. Jackie already called some of her guys and we were all hovering around, watching, waiting for Max to make a move because I had a feeling it could happen any minute.

We'd been sitting there a while and I got tired of staring at the stairs. I got out my phone but there was no one to text. Lance, that fucker, would've been my first choice but he was dead now.

"What the fuck?" Jackie whispered, leaning forward.

I ignored her. I couldn't get my leg to stop bouncing and I was pissed at Violet. Was she seriously so far gone with that prick she couldn't even see logic anymore? There was no fucking way it was a coincidence he worked for Rich's daughter.

"Am I insane?" Jackie asked. Yes. "Did we or did we not just shoot that fucker four times?"

My head snapped up and I followed her gaze out the window where Kaden was walking in a hoodie like... He was completely fine. No injury, no weird walking, no anything that hinted he'd been shot. There wasn't even blood on his hoodie.

"What the fuck?" I said, shaking my head and looking again. No, it was definitely him, but no way in hell he could walk after those shots. "How is this possible?"

"Did you hear about Vegas?"

"Jesus Christ, I'm tired of hearing about it."

Jackie sighed and pulled out her phone, typing into it then handing it to me. "Look. Vampires are real."

"Bullshit," I scoffed, staring down at the screen. My eyes widened as something that looked human but also didn't, lunged at someone, sinking long fangs into their neck. "Special effects."

"No dude, hundreds of people posted videos and a shit ton of people were hurt and killed," Jackie said, taking her phone back and pulling up an article, handing it to me. "All the victims, bite marks in the neck, blood drained from their bodies. Bullets did nothing to stop them, they just eventually disappeared."

"What are you saying?" I asked, looking over at her.

"Bullets did nothing to stop them," she repeated, gesturing to where Kaden was walking away. "Didn't you say yourself the punch he landed was nothing like you ever felt?"

"I guess," I said, staring down at her phone, reading the article. What the fuck was this? Was this why Violet was so attached? Could he manipulate her, control her mind? I didn't fucking know but I also didn't see how it was possible he was walking right now.

"Violet knows something," Jackie said, shaking her head. "She has to."

"But she was scared, she was worried about him," I pointed out.

"Yeah and why?" Jackie shrugged. "He's fine. She was playing us."

I sunk back in the seat, frowning. All this sounded completely insane but... Not as insane as Violet just trusting a guy that worked for Rich's daughter. But I also didn't buy Violet was acting scared. I knew what she looked like when she was scared.

"We'll find out," Jackie said, snatching her phone and typing into it.

"What are you doing?"

"Cashing in on something someone owes me," Jackie said, bringing the phone to her ear. "Marnie, you know how I cut off your supply because you pissed me off the other night? Wanna get in my good graces again?"

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