Chapter 38: Danger

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Kaden's POV:

"Just because a person smiles all the time, doesn't mean their life is perfect." – Lauryn Hill

Fifteen years ago...

A cough escaped at the same time a sneeze did and I cleared my throat, wiping my nose with my sleeve. I asked my mom and dad for a tissue but they said to use my sleeve. Luna said the opposite, but I wasn't with Luna. The smoke was so thick in the car I wondered how dad could see to drive.

The book light slowly dimmed as the battery died, leaving me squinting, wishing I was old enough to have wolf eyes. I looked up for the first time in hours and frowned when I saw familiar trees covered in a fresh blanket of snow that was still falling.

"I thought we were going to see the big trees," I said, sitting up straighter, watching the road lead to a gate I knew very well. Blackstone's territory. We were back at Blackstone.

"We'll go another time, sweetheart," my mom said, twisting in her seat and smiling back at me.

"Are you leaving again?"

My parents exchanged a look and my dad didn't look back at me when he answered. "We have somewhere to be. I'm sorry but we have to. We'll be right back."

"When?" I asked, my hands tightening on the book as the car came to a stop in front of the gate.

"Soon," mom said, opening her door and getting out. She moved to my door and opened it up, gesturing for me to get out.

"Can I come with you?"

"Not this time," dad answered.

"You say that every time."

"Are you talking back to me?" He growled, finally looking back at me, his wolf showing in his eyes and canines that came out.

"No," I said, shifting my eyes away.

"Come on, sweetheart," mom said, offering a hand.

I took her hand and slid out of the car, watching as she leaned in and started packing up everything I'd taken out of my backpack. She zipped it up and put it on me then crouched in front of me. "We don't want to wake up Alpha and Luna at this hour, it's the middle of the night. You can find your way to the pack house from here, can't you?"

I glanced back at the gate then again at my mother. "Yes, but-"

"Good, we'll be back, I promise," she said, ruffling my hair.

"When?" I asked again, taking a step forward as she backed to the car. "We were supposed to go see the big trees."

"Another time, sweetheart."

"When will you be back?" I asked, taking another step forward.

"Soon," mom said, opening her door and smiling back at me. "Really soon."

"Mom please don't leave," I said, another step forward. "Was I bad? What did I do?"

"Nothing, sweetheart, you didn't do anything, we just have to go."


"We just do."

"Please don't go," I said, running up and hugging her around the waist. "I'll be good and quiet. You won't even know I'm there, you don't have to go without me."

"I don't want to, I have to," she said, prying me off her and getting in the car. "We'll be back soon, sweetheart. Promise."

"Mom, don't-" she shut the door and the car pulled away. I ran after it for a while but they didn't stop and I was left on the dark road when their tail lights disappeared in the distance.

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