Chapter 47: Addicted

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"If I am anything, I am yours."- Mark Anthony

Violet's moment of vulnerability did not take away from the rest of the night. If anything, it made it better because it brought us closer. Those walls she always kept up were lower, letting me see more of her. It was like a new part of our bond came alive. I felt closer to her and she was more open with me.

After that first time and a lot of cuddling, something Violet said she never really did before after sex, we fell asleep very briefly but it didn't last. I woke up to her trailing her fingers over my chest, her lips brushing against my neck asking if I wanted to wake up for another round. So we went again. And again. By the time we finished for the third time, she collapsed on me and it didn't take long for her to fall asleep for the night.

I held her tighter than was probably comfortable, but I couldn't help it. She'd been through so much. Her dad, her brother, now this... It was no wonder she pushed against us so hard. It was no wonder she was so closed off from people. It was no wonder she was so hesitant with me, kept withdrawing every time I thought we were getting close.

It was no wonder she had a problem with touching.

The only way I was able to get to sleep was burying my face in her hair and breathing her in, wishing I'd found her sooner, kept her safe sooner. I wasn't kidding when I asked her for a list of names. She thought I was, but I wasn't. As soon as we talked about my world, she would know how serious I was.

I fell asleep with my arms around her and hers around me, her body on mine and head in my chest, which was why when I woke up and she wasn't even in bed with me, I panicked.

I sat up, glancing around but relaxing when I heard the faucet in the bathroom turn on. She's fine, relax, I tried to tell myself. Stretching, I looked over at the nightstand where my phone rested. I reached for it but stopped when I heard the bathroom door open.

Violet walked in wearing nothing but my hoodie, not the one she was in all night, but the one I wore to pick her up that awful night and took off before bed. Her hair was damp from a shower and she was wearing glasses. I'd only seen her through video chat with glasses on. I was not ready for the sexy look she brought in wearing those glasses and my clothes.

"Are you stealing another hoodie?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Kinda," she said, biting down on her lip a small smile forming. "I washed all our rainy clothes and the hoodie I was wearing last night while we, um," she paused, a blush reaching her face. "Anyways, I washed and dried them, but I didn't want to wake you looking for new clothes so I just borrowed the hoodie to get me around the apartment after my shower. Now that I have it on though..." she trailed off, tugging on the sleeves so long on her that they went well past her fingertips as she walked toward me and climbed on my lap, "I'm not so sure you get it back."

"Blatant thievery, how could you?" I teased, pulling her into a kiss. "Good morning."

"Good morning," she murmured against my lips her hands tangling in my hair.

She hummed into the kiss and slid her hands to my chest pushing me down against the bed. She adjusted over me, pulling the blanket out of the way so there was nothing covering me anymore. She dropped her lips down to my chest, then lower on my stomach. My dick twitched and I tried to remember we were supposed to talk. I needed to talk to her, and I knew that, but our bond was more alive than it was before. All those already intense connections we had were strengthened and I felt weak under her touch.

"We still need to talk," I reminded her. It was a pathetic reminder. She was kissing down my naked body, her lips getting awfully close to where I was hard the instant I saw her in my clothes. I was already a goner.

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