Chapter 35: Desperate

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Kaden's POV:

"We both drowned under the waves of words we weren't saying."- Ben Maxfield

Going to bed with Violet led to a lot of laughing that eventually ended in passing out from exhaustion. We got comfortable and it wasn't until then I noticed she still had shoes on, and a phone in her pocket, and a pocketknife. She apologized when her phone started stabbing into my hip and muttered something about being used to sleeping like that before kicking her shoes off onto the floor and putting the knife and phone on the nightstand. I asked her if she was sure she wasn't just happy to see me and it was worth how hard she laughed. The teasing went on until her eyes were blinking with sleepiness and we fell asleep, wrapped up in each other and much lighter than we were when she first climbed in the window.

I woke and felt eyes on me. I felt eyes on me so intensely, I was pretty sure that's what actually woke me up. Tightening my arms around my mate, I buried my face in her hair, breathing her in and smiling against her skin when the arm draped over my waist tightened too. Her legs were tangled with mine and we hadn't moved away from each other at all in the time we were asleep. If anything, we were closer.

"Staring while I sleep is pretty stalker-like behavior," I informed her. "Don't you know the stalker song?" I asked, then started singing Every Breath You Take by The Police.

I felt the vibration of her giggle though she kept it quiet and muffled as she cuddled against me, "I'm just trying to match your energy, Casanova," Violet murmured, pressing her cheek against my chest.

"Why are you even awake right now?" I asked, pulling back, looking over at the clock on the nightstand before staring down at her. "We've only been asleep like three hours."

"Three hours is a lot for someone who rarely sleeps," she said, gazing up at me, her fingers drawing patterns on my chest as the morning light filtered in through the curtains. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up. My stalker stare must be really powerful."

"Don't be sorry, best way to wake up," I said, pushing back the hair that fell in her face. With light coming in the window, I could see those grey eyes even better and what a storm they were. She was like the embodiment of a desert thunderstorm. Eyes like storm clouds, strength I could not even begin to explain, and the scent of desert rain I would never get enough of.

"I'm glad to see you're on top of your flirt game even when you've just woken up," she said with a teasing smile, moving more on top of me as she came in for a kiss. Her lips hit mine at the same time she brought her leg up to help stretch her towards me. Her thigh brushed against my morning hard-on and I told my body to cool it because that was not what she was going for. She felt it though, her eyes snapped to mine the second we made contact.

"Sorry, it's... You know, morning," I said.

She nodded and stretched up more, her thigh more purposely brushing against me while her lips skimmed over my ear. "Is it just because it's morning?"

"Well not anymore," I breathed, sliding my hand down her back to her hip and taking in a deep breath when she brushed her thigh against me again.

Our bond was howling so loud, it was hard to think of anything but being close to her. Through the haze of having her there in my arms and desperately wanting to complete our bond, I tried to focus on what needed to happen before anything else. I had to tell her the truth.

She made that a lot harder when she set her hand on my face and turned me to kiss her. Our lips moved against each other like waves. Ebbing and flowing, changing in intensity but always coming back while she continued very intentionally brushing her thigh against my dick.

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