Chapter 71: The Rose

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Violet's POV:

Wolves were fast. I mean, really fast. I didn't realize how thankful I was for their presence until ten guards were dead in a matter of seconds. Silently. No gunshot to warn anyone we were nearby, just Kane's pack taking people out before they even noticed they were being attacked. No screams, no gunshots, no anything but silence so intense it was almost eerie.

That was on the way in. Once we were inside, Dean took a group of people off to where I told them the prisons should be. They were going to work on freeing anyone held captive, and Ben stuck by my side as we moved through the building. All the cameras were on a twenty minute feedback loop so they would still show guards patrolling the building while we moved through the endless stone hallways and corridors.

It might've been confusing if I didn't have the blueprints memorized, but confusion wasn't my biggest concern anyway. It was the way the maze of hallways was familiar. It was like the maze he created in my mind, the one I had to get out of just a couple days ago and now he had me in another one. Part of me wanted to panic, the other part was pissed off. I sided with pissed off because anger would carry me through my plans.

It wasn't until we were safely inside one of the secure rooms- a library- that I pulled out my laptop and started accessing the butane tanks. All of them were fixed with a little machine that had a mechanism to twist the valve on the cannisters so they would release, and it was after midnight. The halls had been set up with food and drinks and tables but they were all abandoned because everyone was in the stadium.

"Dean said they're almost done emptying out the cells," Ben informed me. "Ran into a couple issues that he's pretty sure were handled but we should release the gas soon or someone might come looking."

"They won't be able to. Everything in the base is set up for a lockdown in case of emergencies."

Lockdown's normally came with giant concrete walls. Even a shifter would be slowed down with solid cement. The strange thing was not all of the lockdown walls were cement. Some were a thick glass made out of what was known as AM-III glass. It was a relatively new kind of glass and stronger than diamonds. Virtually unbreakable. I wasn't sure how Max got ahold of enough to make entire walls out of them, but I saw it in the blueprints.

Taking a deep breath, I set off the lockdown and watched them slowly come down around the stadium. It was too noisy for anyone to notice the sound. My bigger concern was if someone happened to look over while they were going down, and that's exactly what happened.

"Fuck," I muttered, watching the screen as a couple people ran out, slipping under before it locked down.

"I'll send Dean," Ben said. I nodded, watching as they pulled guns. Probably not silver bullets, at least. And Dean was fast. He would be fine. He better be fine.

"I need to release the gas." I wasn't sure why I said it. We all knew the plan. I was just anxious because this would be it. This would announce to Max that someone was here and he'd know it was me. If he didn't guess it right away, he'd know when he found his security tampered with.

It would make things easier if he was in the stadium himself but he was smart. He was in a separated room, elevated over all of it and made completely of that special glass. The ventilation system was separate from the rest, not one I was able to access because the security was on another server. I couldn't hit him as long as he was in that room but I knew him. If he knew I was here, he'd come looking. Which was why the second I released the gas and checked the timer on my phone so I'd know how much to release, I pulled out a purple, cloth bag.

All right, it was Crown Royal bag. Those things were handy and I needed something to carry all the chess pieces in. I pulled out one of the many queens then focused. It was almost time to shut off the valves. After that, I didn't have to do anything. Someone would light a cigarette or a joint or be smoking something. It was only a matter of time and once they did...

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